Chapter 27: The Pain

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Aspen's P.O.V.

We were in the forest alone, Rookie had left, Luna was upset, Leon's arm is stupid and I am not going to die but I will be in pain forever.

"We should go into town and find some pain medication." Luna said.

"Luna, you would have to help me and hold half my weight all the way to town. I am fine." I said.

"You aren't fine! You are in pain and the only way I can help you is to get you pain medication." Luna told me in a very stern voice.

"Luna..." I started.

"No! We are going." Luna said and helped me up.

"Okay, but I will try to hold most of my weight." I negotiated.

"Fine. I don't care." Luna said "Leon come on."

"Okay.." Leon said, trying not to argue with Luna.

Me and Luna were in the front with Leon dragging his feet behind us. We finally made it to the pharmacy and asked the man behind the desk for some pain medication.

"What for?" he asked, looking me up and down.

"For my friend. She is going through a lot of pain and I need the medication now!" Luna said, glaring at the man.

"Luna, calm down." I said and looked at the man. "May we please have the medication?"

"Sure." he said, probably scared for his life as Luna continued eyeing him with her dagger eyes.

He handed us a bottle and said "That'll be $10.50."

Luna continued to stare holes in his head.

"Never mind, on the house." he said, practically shaking in fear.

Luna grabbed the medication, handed it to Leon to carry and we walked out of the store. We sat on a bench in front of a lake and Luna took the medication from Leon and gave some to me.

"Thank you." I said and took the medication.

"No problem." Luna replied.

I instantly felt much better after taking the medication. I didn't feel like I could run a marathon or anything, but I felt better.

"How do you feel?" Luna asked.

"Better. Leon are you good?" I asked and looked over at Leon, who was sitting on the grass because Luna pushed him off the bench.

"My arm hurts a bit, but I am good." Leon explained.

"Take one of the medications." I said and handed him one of them.

"Aspen! What are you doing?! You need that medication!" Luna said.

"Luna, stop worrying about me. It isn't your fault." I said.

"It is though." Luna looked down.

"I decided to have the snake bite me. Not you." I said, in a soft tone.

"But, I didn't stop you. I didn't do anything, I just watched it happen." Luna said.

"Stop blaming yourself for my decision! Head up and let's deal with this." I said and hugged her.

We grabbed takeout and went back to the bench to eat.

A few hours later we finished the food and stared at the water a moment longer. We were just about to get up when the pain came back and I fell onto someone that was walking past.

"Luna!" I yelled.

Luna came and helped me up and off the man. I leaned against her for help standing and looked at the man. He had two friends beside him.

The man I fell on had brown hair in a ponytail, he had beautiful blue eyes and a very muscular body. One of his friends had a head of red, spiky hair and the other one had half white hair and half red hair.

I stopped staring at the man's eyes and said "I am so so sorry!"

"No, I am sorry. I didn't mean to get so close." the man I fell on said. "I am Sokka."

"No, without you I probably would have killed my head on the cement. I am Aspen." I replied.

"This is my friend Kirishima." he said and pointed to the spiky red-head and he smiled. "And this is Todoroki." Sokka said and pointed at the half and half head and he waved.

"Nice to meet you guys. This is Luna." I said and pointed at Luna, who smirked and was looking at Todoroki. "And this is Leon. We also have a friend named Rookie, but she had a meeting with family."

I was about to say how beautiful the day was when the pain came back to me and I started breathing heavily and held my neck.

"Are you okay?" Sokka asked.

I tried to answer, but I couldn't. The pain was too strong.

"She is... " Luna started, but didn't know how to finish.

"She doesn't look fine. You should sit down" Sokka took me out of Luna's arms and helped me over to the bench again. Luna was furious.

I put my hand out to her to signal that I was fine and to calm down. She calmed down a bit, but not for long.

"She is fine! And she is MY friend, so if you could just not drool over her for two seconds. I would like to help her!" Luna yelled.

"I am sorry." Sokka said. He was about to walk away when I grabbed his hand to tell him to stay.

"Luna, could I have the pain things?" I asked. Luna handed me a couple pills, I took them and felt better.

"Thank you"

"No problem." Luna replied.

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