Chapter 19: Food

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Luna's P.O.V.

"I FOUND HIM!" Rookie yelled.

We all looked at her waiting for her to tell us where he was. She didn't say anything and was looking back at us.

"So! Where is he?" I asked, getting impatient.

"Where's who?" Rookie asked.

"YOUR FATHER OF WHATEVER YOU CALL HIM!" I yelled, getting a bit pissed.

"Oh, not him. Food!" she said and started to sniff the air. She got off of the boulder and started to crawl somewhere.

"Rookie! Get back here!" yelled Aspen.

She ignored her and continued to crawl.

We all sighed and started to follow her.

"This is really stuipd." I said.

"Let's just go with it." Aspen said.

"Why can't we just leave her?" I asked Aspen.

"Because she is our. . . friend." Aspen replied.

"Friend please. She's a fucking mutant wolf that we found in this fucking forest." I said, pissed that Aspen could even consider her as a friend.

"Luna, she is a living being, and just because she is half wolf, doesn't mean she doesn't have a soul." Aspen said. I looked at her in disbelief.

Was she being serious? How could she see her as a living being.

I crossed my arms and started to walk faster so that I wasn't by Aspen anymore. She was just pissing me off.

"Over here!" Rookie said. She started to crawl faster and then we made it to a campsite where a stew was cooking on a fire.

Rookie crawled up to the cooking stew and was going to put her hand inside of it. I ran up to her and pulled her hand away.

"You can't go around sticking your hand into hot things like that!" I yelled at Rookie. She only growled at me and I glared at her. Being around her was like taking care of a fucking 5 year old.

"I'm hungry." she said, going to stick her other hand in the stew. I got that one too.

"Are you deaf or something? You can't do that or else you'll get burned!" I said, super annoyed.

"Oh come on! I need to eat." said Rookie.


"I don't care." she said.

You know what? I was done with her stupid 5 year old behavior. I let go of her hands and she stuck one of them in the stew. She got a hand full and ate it.

"How didn't you get burned?" I asked.

"I'm not that stupid, I licked my hands before I put them inisde the stew so that it wouldn't hurt." she said.

"I think I'm going to puke." I said covering my mouth.

Rookie started to eat the stew like a happy 5 year old eating candy. I just watched her. 

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