Chapter 11: The London Bridge is Falling Down

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Luna's P.O.V

We started to walk back to where Rookie turned into a human.

"So we're looking for clues right?" asked Aspen.

"Mhm." I answered, still bored.

We all started to look for clues. Aspen shearing the entrance of the forest. Rookie looking at the spot where she turned. I was chosen to look inside of the forest because of how I was complaining about how I was bored.

One day I'll learn to keep my mouth shut, I thought. Kicking some rocks and not looking for any clues. I kept walking and walking deeper and deeper into the forest when I started to hear some very strange singing.

"London bridge is falling down~ falling down~ falling down~ falling down~." sang a deep yet a bit high voice.

"What the fuck." I said out loud. Oops didn't mean to do that.

"My fair lady~." sang the voice cracking at the fair lady part.

"Ok this isn't funny anymore." I said, looking for the voice's owner. I continued to walk following the singing.

"London bridge is falling down~ falling down~ falling down~ falling down~." sang the voice getting louder the more steps I took towards an abandoned cottage with no windows other than one at the very top.

"Yep there's no way in hell that I'm going in there." I said. Turning around then a very strong and forceful wind blew me to the cottage. I turned around so that I was facing the closed cottage door and all of a sudden, by itself it opened up.

Welp I'm dead, I thought.

I was blown into the dark cottage and the door closed. The wind went away and I ran up to the door and tried to open it. It wasn't opening so the only solution was to try harder.

"That's not going to work." said a voice behind me.

I turned around immediately and saw a male wolf human hybrid thing. He had deep black hair and navy blue eyes with a hint of gold. He was also wearing a black mask.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked walking closer to the door.

"I'm Leon." introduced Leon.

"Well, I'm leaving ." I said going back to the door, trying to open it again.

"Like I said before that's not going to work." Leon said walking closer to me.

"Hey! Keep your fucking distance I know how to kill someone." I threatened

"Everyone can kill anyone." answered Leon.

"S-shut the fuck up." I said.

"Look we're both trapped here because of my brother. He's a bit crazy and over dramatic." explained Leon.

"That's my problem, how?" I asked.

"You're trapped here too, so you should know a bit about him." he said. I mean he does have a point and it could also be useful information.

"Ok continue." I said.

"Well let's just say that something corrupted him and now he's evil. I was looking for a girl with brown hair and black wings." said Leon.

Was he talking about Rookie, I thought.

"The only problem is that she doesn't have a fucking name." Leon added.

Yep definitely Rookie, I thought.

"Ok, let's say that we make it out of here and for some odd reason I might know the girl that you're talking about." I said.

"Wait, you know her!?" asked Leon, very surprised. "How did you stay alive for so long, or are you a wolf human too?"

"My stupid best friend helped her and now their fucking friends." I said rolling my eyes a bit.

"So you got replaced?" he asked.

"I.......well......I mean. THAT FUCKNG BITCH REPLACED ME!" I said fuming.

"Wow, calm down, we don't need my brother coming here right now." Leon said.

Then I remembered that I never asked what his brother looked like.

"So what does this brother of yours look like.?" I asked.

"Oh well he looks the same as me because we're twins, but his eyes are golden with a hint of navy in them.

"Twins?" I asked.

"Mhm." nodded Leon.  

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