Part 2

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M.K Mansion...

Guest and kohli's laugh.., while Rhea understood that it was Ranbir's drama.., so she starts her..., Rhea starts crying and convinces everyone to get engagement done quickly..., while upstairs Gayatri frees abhi from chains and also opens his room's door.., Ranbir gets a message.., He smirks...

Media was covering the Event...

Ranbir: ok let's start the engagement..,

Ranbir forwards his left hand and asking Rhea to make her wear the ring.., Rhea was surprised by his sudden move.., She smiles and was about to make him wear the ring when Gayatri shouts and comes downstairs running......

Gayatri: Save me..., somebody plz save me from this mad man.....

They all see abhi running behind her with a stick in his hand..., M.k family was highly shocked while guest were also stunned seeing abhi's insane condition as they were told that abhi went to abroad..., Media starts recording all this...

Guest 1: that mean abhishek mehra is mentally Unstable....

Guest 2: ya and I was gonna invest in his company, my money would have been wasted....

Alia hears them and gets worried for the Business.., she calmly goes towards abhi and holds his hand.., abhi gets scared seeing her and remembers she beating him...,

Alia: bhai.., what are y doing.., just go to your room...

Raj: yes abhi.., u r not well go to your room
(He tries to pull abhi..)

Abhi gets angry and slaps Raj hard across the face that he falls on floor.., Alia tries to hold him but abhi takes a vase nearby and hits it on alia's head, and she gets a cut on her head..., guests start gossiping and this was irritating abhi more.., now he get fully mad and starts beating the guests with stick..., guest start running out.., abhi see Tanu and starts hitting her with that stick.., he was hitting her badly.., Tanu cries and shouts in pain..., Dasi and Rhea cry seeing abhi's condition...

Tanu: aah.., abhi leave me.., u mad.., pura pgl ho gaya hai ye aadmi.., mad man..

Someone from upstairs sees Ranbir and thumbs up at him.., Ranbir smirks and signs him to leave...,

Alia takes a stick slowly holding her head and tries to attack abhi but abhi holds her a neck and was almost strangulates her neck.., alia was almost choking, Raj, Vikram, Ranbir and Aryan try to pull him but abhi pushes all of them on floor and holds alia's hair and bangs her head on pillar..., Mitali accidentally presses T.V remote and on's the TV.., abhi was about to hit alia when he hear a voice...

Voice: So, from now onwards The C.E.O of Arora Technologies will be my Daughter.., Prachi Arora...

Abhi pushes alia on floor and everyone see Pragya on T.V..., They gets shocked especially Rhea and Tanu.., while Alia falls unconscious after seeing Pragya's face as her head was bleeding badly....,

They all see Pragya speaking to Media...,

Pragya(in T.V): u all heard me right, I this is my daughter is now enough mature to handle my business.., and second important announcement is that.., Arora Empire is taking over the Leading Pharmaceutical company.., " Lupin Pharmaceuticals".., and now it will be under Arora Empire....

Abhi takes baby steps towards the T.V.., he gets blurry flashes of his memories with Pragya..., he holds his head as it was spinning and falls down unconscious..., Everyone rushes to him.., Pragya switches of the T.V.., now Media starts questioning Vikram...

Media Person (MP)

MP 1: Mr. Kohli why did u lied to whole world about abhishek mehra's condition...

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