Part 21

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In a Dark Room...,

Rhea and Tanu are tied to chair, their whole body is dehydrated as Prachi didn't even gave them a drop of water.., They are asking for water in sub conscious state..., someone splashes water on them..,

Its Prachi...,

Prachi: hello Baby sister.., Time to have a Talk...,

She sits on chair in front of Rhea...,

Rhea: pr.., Prachi.., Pani.., Pani...,

Prachi; u need water baby (Rhea nods) ok..

She takes a water bottle and takes it near Rhea's mouth but pours the water on her face instead mouth..., and Laughs., Manik was also their, he was smirking.., but was also feeling bad for Rhea coz she's pragya's daughter..,

Tanu: Prachi, (slowly) u have enmity with Rhea.., plz leave me.., what wrong did I do with u.., u can kill Rhea but plz leave me..

Rhea was shocked hearing her..., Prachi laughs and makes Rhea Drink water by putting bottle in her mouth...,

Prachi: did u heard Rhea.., the one whom u thought as your well wisher is now betraying u, this the reality of your life Rhea.., u have no one with u.., neither my mom nor your dad.., and regarding your buji.., I'll show u her truth...,(shouts) get her..,

Manik goes out and comes with Alia.., Dragging her holding her hand...,

Alia: Leave me..,

Manik: shut up u bitch, I'm trying to be gentle with u, don't force me to be a devil...,

He glares angrily at Alia, shutting her mouth..,

Alia gets shocked seeing Tanu and Rhea's situation...,

Prachi: Hello Alia bua.., what's up...,

Alia: Prachi, what are u doing, don't forget Rhea's is your sister.,

Prachi slaps her hard.., Alia holds her cheek..

Prachi: don't u dare to tell me about duties of a sister, women like u who beats her own mentally Unstable brother like a devil is telling me about sisterhood, just shut up.., abhi tumhari rishtedhari nikalti hun...,

She calls and some men come and point gun at Alia.., alia gets scared..,

Prachi: So, Ms. Alia.., according to Rhea u love her like a mother and u can do anything for her.., so it's time to see your love for Rhea.., (She puts a gun in Alia's hands) now u have to choose who will live.., u or your niece Rhea...,

Rhea and Alia gets shocked hearing her, Prachi smirks at Rhea..,

Prachi: so Rhea.., as u know our mom can sacrifice her life for her children not u but of course for me, but let's see your great buji can do that or not.., so Alia, I'll count till three, either u kill Rhea or else my men will kill u.., and if u point this gun at me then I'll kill three of u at same time...,

Rhea was hoping that atleast Alia cares for her, But Reality strikes her when Alia points gun At Rhea...,

Alia: I'll kill Rhea.., but plz don't kill me.., I'll do what u say..,

Rhea(emotionally): Buji...,

Alia: Sorry Rhea.., I love u but I love myself more...., (She pulls the trigger and fires)

Rhea closes her eyes, but the bullet doesn't come out.., They gets surprised while Prachi and Manik laughs...,

Manik: u whores are big time fools.., there were no bullets in the gun we were just testing your so called bonding and trust me, u guys have no bonding at all...,

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