Part 12

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Pragya: so Prachi, he will be your New secretary cum Bodyguard.., "Mr. Ranbir Kohli".....

Yes it was Ranbir, Prachi looks on shocked while Ranbir smirks at Prachi and waves.....

Prachi: Mom.., ye yahan kyun...

Pragya: U know him..,

Prachi: Mom ye Ranbir...(Manik holds her hand and nods no)

Manik: Maa, woh she mean that he's Ranbir Kohli.., that slut Mishti's Brother.., and Vikram - Pallavi's son..., when we Threatened his family we got his family info, that time we got to know about him..  Right Prachi...

Prachi nods..,

Prachi: ya.., ya that's what I mean mom, I mean he's our enemy how can he be my secretary and what the hell u mean by bodyguard..., I can protect myself, I don't need this idiot....

Prachi makes faces at Ranbir, while he winks at her making prachi frown...,

Manik: exactly and Maa, what is wrong with u.., y the hell u are hiring this moron, and u (he goes holds Ranbir's collar) get out from my house..,

Ranbir was just smiling at him which was increasing his anger...

Pragya: leave him Manik, now... (Manik leaves his collar) what is wrong with u.., don't u think I'm a fool.., Ranbir told me each and everything...

Prachi and Manik get scared thinking maybe Ranbir told her about Abhi...,

Prachi: wh.., what did he told u Mumma...

Pragya: that he's Kohli's son and Mishti's Brother, in fact he was the one who gave me proof against Mishti.., That video wasn't given by my any friend, it was Ranbir who gave me that proof....

Prachi was relieved hearing her that Ranbir didn't tell him anything...,

Prachi: but y did he helped us, he must be having and selfish motive.., just throw him out mumma..

Pragya: enough, don't forget I'm Industrialist Arora.., whatever decision I take is for my and my family's wellness.., and bringing Ranbir here is my decision, no arguments on this topic anymore....

Manik and Prachi look down.., Ranbir wanted to laugh seeing their condition but speaks controlling his laugh...,

Ranbir: Prachi (Prachi looks at him) I mean Prachi Ma'am, I know my sister did very wrong with your family, but trust me when I got to know her truth I contact Pragya ma'am and told her everything....

Pragya: exactly and not only this.., he saved me from an accident in the morning, I was about to hit by a car when he saved me in the nik of time...

Prachi clenches her fists and looks at Ranbir Angrily...,

Prachi: and what's the proof that car wasn't sent by him and then acted to save u...(she goes to him and holds his collar) first his sister tried to ruin our reputation and now he's here, god knows for what...

Pragya: shut up, have u lost it and y are u behaving like Ranbir is your ex boyfriend and he betrayed u.., u are meeting him for the first time right....

Prachi gets silent with her question, while Ranbir chuckles, Prachi looks at him angrily..., Ranbir murmurs controlling his laugh...

Ranbir: sorry....,

Prachi: but mom how can we trust him like this...

Pragya: Prachi what is wrong with u...

Ranbir interrupts and speaks,

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