Part 15

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At Mall....

Rhea stands up holding her cheek, she was hell scared seeing Pragya's red angry eyes.., Tanu also comes their and was shocked seeing Rhea's red cheeks...., Prachi nods at Manik.., He nods and goes to make a call...

Pragya(shouts): how dare u to raise hand on my daughter...,(she slaps Rhea again, Rhea was almost losing her sneses) she's my daughter, Business Queen's daughter..., and any middle class like u will fight with, tumhari itni Aukaat nahi hai.., who the hell are u....

Rhea was surprised hearing her question...

Rhea(slowly and scared): I'm Rh..Rhea, u are reacting as if u don't know me...

Pragya: are u Miss. Universe that I'll remember u...

Rhea: I'm.., I'm Rhea your...

Prachi: exactly, who are u.., Mom even I don't know her.., Me and Ranbir were talking and she suddenly came and started fighting.., I think she's mentally Unstable..., right Ranbir...(she nods at him while Rhea and Tanu were shocked hearing her)

Ranbir: Yes.., She's right.., this girl don't who is she.., just came and started fighting with us.., she needs mental treatment...,

Disha: exactly, dii, now she will tell that she's your daughter...,

Rhea: what nonsense, Ranbir I'm Rhea your girlfriend and u prachi don't forget unfortunately I'm your sister and u Ms. Arora, I'm your Daughter...

That's is Disha slaps her hard..., Pragya holds her head which was spinning a little hearing Rhea's words...

Pragya: what is she speaking, I'm seeing this girl for first time.., my head...

Prachi gets worried for her and holds Pragya...

Prachi: Mom are u ok.., just don't think, she's  an idiot..

Suddenly a team of doctors come their..., Doctor holds Rhea....,

Doctor: so here u are Ms. Rhea and Ms. Tanu.., how many time should I tell u that don't run away from hospital....

Rhea and Tanu were confused, the Nurses hold Rhea and Tanu tightly....

Rhea(shouts): what the hell, who are u...

Tanu: exactly and how dare u, leave me...

Prachi: what happening here and Doc, who are they.., y is this girl calling my mom as her mom...

Doctor: yes they both are patient of our mental asylum, They flee in the morning.., and this girl whenever she sees a couple talking, she thinks that boy is her boyfriend and other girl is her twin sister who is trying to snatch her boyfriend....

Manik smirks and shows thumbs up to prachi.., Prachi winks at Ranbir, he understood that it was prachi's plan...

Prachi: oh that's why when me and Ranbir were talking, she thought Ranbir as her boyfriend and me as her twin sister...

Doctor: ya and we are sorry for trouble..., now we will take her...

Rhea/Tanu: leave us.., we are not mad...

Doctor signs the nurses, they inject a sedative in Tanu and Rhea's body, thus making them unconscious..., They take them from their.., Pragya stumble and holds her head....,

Disha: dii, are u ok....

Pragya: don't know why, I think I met this girl..,

Manik: Maa, doctor told na she's mad.., u ignore it.., and u are just stressed coz of new Business deal, nothing more than that...,

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