Part 11

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Arora's Villa....

They all go inside.., Kohli's were scared.., They enter and see Pragya standing their...

Pragya: welcome Officer.., plz come...

Inspector: Hello Industrialist Arora.., they are kohli's and she's their daughter Mishti Kohli...

Mishti start her acting and cries...,

Pragya: so u are the one who dared to file complaint against My Son..., tell me what happened...,

Mishti starts sobbing...,

Mishti: woh (sobs) actually (sobs) Arav raped me (sobs) and I'm pregnant aunty, (Sobs) this child is your Heir, Heir of this empire....(starts crying loudly) plz help me in getting justice....

Pragya was highly irritated with her crying...

Pragya: first thing stop crying, as your tears won't gain my sympathy in fact this tears are irritating me a lot.., so ssh

Mishti was shocked hearing her while Prachi and Disha smirk...

Pallavi: Pragya ji how could u talk to my daughter's like this, your son ruined her life and u are shouting on my daughter and u inspector why are u sitting quietly....

Pragya: enough, first mera naam lene ki tumhari AUKAAT nahi hai.., its Industrialist Arora for u and second thing my son didn't do anything.., he's innocent in fact ur daughter is playing games.., bloody slut...

Vikram(shouts): enough, Industrialist Arora I thought u are a sensible women, who will punish the guilty but no.., u are just a selfish women...

Prachi(shouts): don't u dare Mr. Kohli, don't forget u are standing in our property....

Vikram: I don't care.., this inspector brought us here.., or else we weren't intrested..,(Pragya raises her eyebrow)

Pragya(murmurs): I think I have to show them my real face.., time to wake up the devil in me...

Pragya was about to speak when Arav and Avni comes their.., Vikram's blood boil seeing him and he goes and holds Arav's collar...

Pragya(shouts): now u crossed your limits, Vikram Kohli...

She takes out her gun, Vikram was about to slap Arav when someone punches on Vikram's face and he falls down, its Manik with full anger..

Manik(shouts): how dare u to touch my brother and speak in high voice with my Maa...

He goes and hold Vikram's collar and makes him stand and slaps him hard.., Pallavi comes and tries to free Vikram, but Manik pushes her and she falls on floor...

Inspector: Industrialist Arora plz stop him.., or else situation will be messy...

Manik was beating Vikram, blood was oozing out from his mouth....,

Pragya: Manik Stop...

Manik: But Maa...(Pragya nods in no, Manik leaves Vikram) just my maa is saying so I left u.., next time I'll beat u till death.., now out with your slur daughter....

Pallavi(shouts): enough, How could u guys be so inhuman..., first your son raped my daughter and now u are supporting him and u inspector u are also with them.., and u Industrialist Arora just coz u have money and power u will do anything...

Prachi fumes hearing her tone...

Prachi: enough Pallavi..(She shows her phone, Pallavi gets tensed but speaks)

Pallavi: u tell me Industrialist Arora, what if your daughter was in my daughter's place...

Pragya slaps her real hard and shouts...

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