Part 5

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Arora Empire....

In Pragya's Cabin....

Pragya was working on Laptop, when Ali comes...

Ali: Boss, the diamond's consignment is here..,

Pragya(smiles): perfect, now we have to sell this to the Australian Diamond Market.., And the Diamonds are sold for worth 5000 crores...,

Ali: yes mam, but what now.., where should we invest this money.., or else income tax will create mess...

Pragya: I know how to convert this black money to white.., find a Business company to invest.., but not in Europe.., what about India....

Ali was surprised hearing pragya...

Ali: But Boss, India are u sure..,

Pragya: y not ali, I'm an Indian and we don't have any business their.., and I want to expand my Business so that I'll be the richest Industrialist on this planet.., now I'm on no.3 but I wanna be on top..., I just love my power and money.., I can do anything for that.., so go and get me the details of leading Business companies in india...

Ali(tensed): sure Boss.., I'll give u details...

Pragya: and also what's the status of deal with Khanna Technologies.., its C.E.O.., his name Mr. S.K right...(ali nods)

Ali: Boss, they are coming tomorrow, infact SK's father have a business proposal for u..

Pragya: cool, get me the details of that Company.., and also the details about Businesses in India...

Ali: sure boss...(he leaves..)

Pragya thinks " I don't why, but I feel that something is missing in my life., but y this feeling, I have everything loving kids, a Big Business Empire, Power and Money.., everything..., then y this feeling..."....

Outside the cabin., Ali calls Prachi....

Ali: Prachi Mam, Boss is talking about expanding business in India...(he tell everything...)

Prachi on the other side gets shocked..,

Prachi: what nonsense, we can't stop mom, but just make sure that she doesn't get to know about M.K Industries or anything Business related to M.K family..., rest I'll talk to Mom...(she hangs up)

Prachi thinks " what's happening, first this Mishti's matter and Now Mom..., I have to do something..."...


M.K Mansion...

Everyone gets shocked seeing Ranbir coming downstairs with his luggage....,

Pallavi: where are u going Ranbir...

He doesn't reply to her...,

Vikram: Ranbir, your mom asked something

Ranbir: I'm going away from this city for some days, I need a break from all the negative things happening in my life...

Pallavi: what nonsense are u speaking, your sister is in so much problem, our Business is destroyed.., and u are leaving us alone..., how can u be selfish Ranbir....

Ranbir(shouts): enough of your nonsense mom.., and u are calling me selfish, instead u are the most selfish lady in the world...(Pallavi looks on shocked..) exactly.., first u separated me from prachi, then did a heart attack drama, and then emotionally blackmailed me to get engaged to Rhea..,and see what your dear Rhea did.., she was trying to trap me in her crime.., I told u that Rhea is not a right girl for me.., but no u came in Rhea and her buji's talks and was getting me married to a criminal.., bloody drug dealer..., and yesterday u asked me to swear on u.., why coz u don't trust me.., you didn't trust your son and trusted that Rhea, I feel ashamed to call u as my mom...

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