Next Morning,
At Hospital...,
Ranbir opens his eyes slowly, and was murmuring Prachi's name...,
Ranbir: Prachi..,
He feels something on his hand, He smiles sensing prachi and looks at the Hand in his Hand and smiles broadly looking at owner..,
Ranbir: My Prachi...,
Prachi was sleeping, she tightens her grip in his hand and wakes up with jerk..,
Prachi: Ranbir... (she was full sweaty, Ranbir gets worried for her..)
Ranbir: Prachi u ok..,
Prachi looks at Ranbir with tears and smiles seeing him awake and fine, she gets on his bed and hugs him.., and starts crying..,
Prachi: Ranbir u are okay na..,
Ranbir caresses her head on his chest..,
Ranbir: I'm ok Prachi, nothing happened to me, plz don't cry.., look at me.., Prachi..
She looks up and looks at him, Ranbir smiles and wipes her tears..,
Prachi slaps him.., Ranbir was surprised..,
Ranbir: aree, here I took bullet for u and u are slapping me, not fair Chikchiki...,
Prachi: shut up, just shut up.., what was the need to come in between, u would have let bullet hit me, at least u would have been safe...,
Ranbir: and u would have been in my place and that would have killed me more than this bullet.., I can't live without prachi.., I just can't...(Prachi puts her finger on his lip)
Prachi: u don't have too, as I'm not gonna leave u now.., we will always stay together..,
Ranbir: but u hate me na..,
Prachi: no, I didn't hate u, I never did..., I was just angry on u.., and I'm sorry for that..,
Ranbir: My dear Chikchiki, I don't want to hear your sorry, I want to hear that what u said before I went unconscious...,
Prachi remembers her love confession and blushes.., she hides her face in his chest.., Ranbir chuckle..,
Prachi: woh, I.., I.., I Love You Ranbir kohli, I Love u so much..,
Ranbir kisses her forehead..,
Ranbir: I Love You Too Prachi Arora..,
Prachi leans on him, Ranbir captures her lip.., They share a loving kiss...,
But unknown to them this all was witnessed by Pragya, who was standing at Door.., she sits on bench outside the ward and holds her head..., Disha comes and puts hand on her shoulder.., Pragya looks at him...,
Disha: Ranbir and Prachi are made for each other dii...,
Pragya: But Disha.., He's not of my class.., Ranbir can never match my status, I'm Richie Rich and Ranbir.., according to me he's just one step ahead of poverty line.., and his family, that kohli's, I just hate them..,
Disha: u are looking at his Financial status.., but y don't u look at his Body Language and His Love for Prachi.., as far as I noticed Ranbir, he is not with Prachi coz she's the heir of this Arora Empire.., He's with prachi coz He's love prachi and so does Prachi loves Ranbir...,
Pragya(Loudly): shut up, just shut up.., relationship are between people of same status...,
Disha was hell angry, she holds pragya and drags her to a empty Room...,

Love/obsession/Possessiveness - 2
FanfictionA Love and more than that Obsession Story, Between a Mafia Princess and Her Obsessive Lover...... . . . A Drak Story.., Read Only if Comfortable....