Epilogue [PART THREE]

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Another reminder that all three epilogues (this one is the last one btw) are told in Jack's POV, not Lexi's. I hope you enjoy :)

The Program

Epilogue [PART THREE]

Growing up, my father and I had a pretty good relationship. We were so close back then, back before the fire that changed my life forever.

He was there when I got a horrible flu when I was five, his chicken soup made better than my mom's though i'd never admit it. He was there when I started my first day of school, and when he had to pick me up that same day because I was so nervous I started crying. He was there when I first learned how to ride a bike, and also when I fell down because I hadn't gotten the hang of it yet.

He was there for so much, always someone I could look up to and knew would do anything for me. I know everyone says it, but my dad was my hero. But then, a fire happened and Mary made her way into his life, turning him into the villain instead.

I had forgiven him years ago for this, not just because he saved Lexi's life either, my forgiveness took place before then. 

Forgiving him for all he had done to me and the people I care about, telling him it was okay for almost killing the girl i'd fallen in love with and sending my friends and me to the test, that was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. But my mother was right when she convinced me to forgive him, because even after all of that horrible stuff he did, he was still my dad, and he was doing all he could to protect me.

But when he woke up, the anger came back again. I hated him for all he did to Lexi. I hated him for working with Mary. 

I hated him.

So, I let the government take him without putting up a fight, even moving out of the way when they came in to get him, making a clear path directly to him and pulling Lexi out of the way as well. And though my mother was begging and pleading with me to help her convince them to leave him alone, I only walked out of the hospital room.

Eventually, the hatred faded, guilt and regret settling in. He did save Lexi's life after all. I owed everything my life with her is and will be to him. My future with her would not be possible unless he had pulled her down and jumped in the way.

I sighed, running a hand down my face. Thinking about the future was something I did a lot recently, especially considering what was currently going on at home with Lexi. 

And that is why i'm here, making my way into an underground bunker that held him prisoner. My father has been here, stuck in a jail cell made of concrete and is practically impossible to escape from. I hadn't spoken to him since the day he was taken, and I wasn't completely sure I even wanted to now. 

But Lexi's words still echoed in my ears from this morning, discussing coming to see him as if it were just casual conversation.

"You'll have to see him sooner or later, you know," She had said, taking a bite out of her waffle. I paused as she said it, no longer drinking the coffee in my hands.

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