Chapter Twelve

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The Program

Chapter Twelve

Today, only one day after having Jack ask my mother if I could, I would be taking part in a get to know you dinner with Reid. Jack would kinda be undergoing the same with mom because Reid, I mean, Ben decided to call and tell her himself that it would be a pleasure to speak with her as well. I just thank god that Marcus already has plans.

But currently I have plans, taking place right now, a few hours before my plan involving the glorious dinner would begin. 

You see, John apparently thought it was appropriate to again come to my house without warning and bring me to his home. He grumbled a lot on the ride here, saying things about how I should have told him I went on a date with Jack and that I could have avoided all that would happen today if I had just kept my big mouth shut for once. Something about his words told me that either Jack didn't shut his own big mouth, or John was some kind of crazy stalker. I prefer to go with the first one.

So there you have it, my plans at the moment are me being at John's house. Thankfully, he got all his grumpiness out of the way before he entered the door, chewing me out big time.

"Move, you stupid cat." Milo, Jack's newly acquired cat, had brushed up against him. Which only made John smack him to the side while he said those words, continuing to rummage through drawers in the kitchen. 

"Care to explain what you're doing?" I asked. I thought he brought me here to get some answers about what's been going on lately with me and Jack, because frankly, I haven't felt like speaking a word of it to him since the whole date thing went down. 

"Isn't it obvious that i'm looking for something." He grumbled again, minutes later letting out a loud breath of air when he found what he had been looking for. 

What was now in his hands only confused me. "Um, that's a bag of skittles." I stated, watching as he opened the red package and popped a few in his mouth.

"Wow, you're really smart, you know that? With a brain like yours, i'm surprised we haven't figured out a way to stop Reid yet." He said, rolling his eyes as he ate some more. I ignored it.

"What I meant was why were you so frantically looking for skittles?"

"You'll laugh if I tell you." I was kinda glad his anger was simmering down a little.

"I normally laugh when some idiotic thing leaves your mouth. So I don't really see your point in not telling me." I told him.

He did one of his quick, breathy laughs, which was more of a release of air that stayed in his mouth too long followed by a snort, and said, "When I was little, maybe eight, I don't know really, my mom told me if some brat irritates me, meaning you at this moment, that I had to calm myself down with candy."

"I'm sorry, but that's some kind of messed up logic, John." But it did seem better than what my dad told me, which was punch the jerk and blame it on someone else. Come to think of it, John's approach was alright.

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