Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The Program

Chapter Thirty-Eight

I didn't like this Reid; the one that wasn't being awful to me and made me feel like he wouldn't kill me every few seconds.

You would think I would enjoy it, but I just didn't. It wasn't right for him, didn't fit the guy i'd grown to know and hate. I half expected him to stab me with the knife we kept from the pool thing, but that didn't even happen.

"Okay," He started, placing a hand on my shoulder. I cringed. At least some things will never change. "This is a large building. But I am by no means suggesting that we split up, that's a terrible decision."

"What do you suggest then?" I asked.

"The logical thing," He said matter a factly. "We wait somewhere for the boss to find us."

I nodded my head to show I agreed with him even though I didn't really have much of a choice in the matter.

Following him into a room he walked to, my shoes squishing against the floor in all their wet glory, I saw there were many beds before me. They were lined up neatly, hundreds of them in there.

"What is this?" I questioned, placing my hand on top of one of them and slightly grabbing at the covers.

"This is where we would put everyone once the testing was completed."

It was bad enough that I was still having to think about why we were sent to that pixelled prison, but once I found out that it was to prepare all of humankind before they were also sent in, I wasn't exactly a happy camper.

"This isn't enough to save everyone on earth. I don't have to be some smart scientist to see that." I snarked.

"You can't save everyone, Lexi." He plainly pointed out.

I glared at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"We were going to test multiple different groups. Those that made the cut, those that would be useful inside, they would live in the test when the bombs went off." He lowered his head.

Reid had spoken of the bombs briefly while he was telling me about everything. He didn't go into detail.

Now, he needed to.

"These bombs you were talking about, where did they come from?"

He turned to me. "Before I say, you need to know that I didn't like it. I was only trying to save my fam-"

"Reid." I gritted my teeth. "I don't care. Who made them?"

"We made them." He spit out. "Or the boss did. And I knew it before I joined. But she said if I didn't help her, she would kill Jack and Diana. I couldn't let that happen."

"Do you expect me to feel sorry for you or something?" I yelled. "Don't try to make it seem like you're the victim here. You're the one who joined and went along with such an awful plan. You're the one who is causing the world to be in trouble, you along with Mary." I wasn't thinking and it just spilled out.

He did a double take at my words. "You're smarter than you look."

Was he talking about the Mary thing?

"She's, um, the boss?" He nodded. "Well, for once my life isn't a complete and total plot twist waiting to happen."

"Besides for the fact that she's actually capable of something like this right?"

I nodded. "Right." I cleared my throat. "Did uh, did Natalie know? About the bomb thing, I mean."

He shook his head. "Just me and Mary."

"Alright." I bit at my nails and leaned against the wall. "So, um, these groups you were talking about. They were there to decide who you guys would let live?"


I decided to ask the dreaded question, just so I could know. "Was I on the list?"

"Why would a disrupter be on the list?"

I expected that.

Still, I said, "Oh." Rubbing at the back of my neck, I added, "That's unfortunate."

"Depends on how you look at it." The voice came from behind me, followed by a door closing and Mary coming into view.


Okay, I know this is like the most confusing chapter i've ever written in this entire series, but bare with me, things will be properly explained soon. But til the next update, what do you think is going on?

And sorry it's so short, i'm not feeling very well (awful migraines and stuff again).

Also, sorry for the late update (a month. sorry). I've been pretty busy.

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