Chapter Thirty

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The Program

Chapter Thirty

The first thing we did when we got there was find out that our parents were all in one house due to John's request, and that they were at John's house because his parents knew more about what was going on and let's just say, were slightly prepared for such an event.

Our parents wanted to speak to us so Bridget was getting that out of the way now and setting up a web cam, Natalie attaching a device to the computer it was hooked to. "It's to make sure that neither Reid nor his boss can hear your conversation. I've blocked all frequencies they could use. Considering I practically built every piece of tech they use, it was easy to keep them out."

I knew Jack wanted to be informed of all that was going on, but for now he just went with, ready to speak with his own parents. Apparently, as I found out on the ride over, the prison quit letting him have visitors about two weeks ago. Which would have been around two weeks after Annie came into my dream in real time.

The image came to life. I could see my mother sitting on the Evans' couch with dad, both on either end. I'm guessing it's not a good idea to put two divorced people on the same piece of furniture.

Martha and Henry showed up next, both in front of the computer. I could see Marcus in the background as they backed away a bit so everyone could see the screen.

"Um, where's Mary?" I asked. Not that I actually cared, and i'm sure it showed, but I was still worried about my stupid theory. I would have preferred if I knew where she was.

Dad's face fell. "We haven't heard from her. We've gotten calls left and right saying that people saw you guys on the news, but no Mary."

I could tell that John noticed my uneasiness. "Lexi," He started. "Are you okay?" Apparently one look said it all. "How about you guys talk to Jack at the moment, huh? Lexi, a word?"

Without being very kind about it, he pulled me away from the cam. "Ouch, learn to handle this kind a thing better, could you?"

"What aren't you telling me?" He demanded an answer, ignoring my other words.

I shrunk back a little. "I have a theory."

"Involving Mary. I picked up on that much." He paused, waiting for something. "Well, don't just stand there. What is it?"

"When Riley told me about Reid and Jack's mom and everything else, she mentioned some things about the boss. She said that I really hated her and that the boss knew it, and if there's anyone in this world I hate besides for Reid and that they know it-"

"You think it's Mary?" He hissed. "Do you realize how big of an assumption that is? Do you realize how impossible that is?"

"Think about it." I suggested. "I'm probably wrong. Heck, even paranoid. But if we just found out a little more, maybe i'm right."

John closed his eyes and took a heavy breath, exhaling a moment later and just looking at me like I was a lost cause. "Don't mention this to anyone else. Me and you will discuss this with Natalie more later."

All I could do was nod before we both went back to the cam. "What was that about?" Jack asked when I got back.

"I'll explain when we're finished talking to each of our parents," I was including Jack in this topic whether John liked it or not. 

"Lexi," I heard my mom say. "They're not hurting you are they?"

I shook my head. "No, mom. I'm fine."

"I just needed to make sure. I don't exactly trust Bridget," She turned to Bridget. "No offense." Then back to me. "And Elody, I mean, Natalie has lied to us in the past."

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