Chapter Thirty-Two

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The Program

Chapter Thirty-Two

I had underestimated how awkward it would be to spend the night at John's house. And when I say that, I mean it was freaking awkward and my parents were so embarrassing I thought I might die.

I could survive the test, but this? No. 

"Oh, Lexi was so adorable as a baby," My mom said, placing her pizza back onto her plate and telling the story. "Oh and when she got a bit older, people were always saying she looked like a mini Drew Barrymore. Kinda like what she looked like in E.T."

"Okay, mom. You always tell people that story." I told her, taking a bite from my own pizza -my favorite; bacon- and smiled lightly. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't mind the story being told, I even enjoyed it. But right now, in the house of my boyfriend's parents, for some reason it didn't exactly sit well when my mom was even mentioning how long she was in labor with me and Marcus. I mean, come on, even Marcus was blushing over in his spot in the room.

Mom made a noise like pfft and quirked a smile of her own. "But it's true, sweetheart. You were so adorable." My mom continued on after that, going to yet another story, one that my dad joined in on part of the way through. Martha and Henry were also telling stories, ones that made Annie giggle some from time to time.

We were on the floor; us teenagers. And our parents sat on the furniture. Annie sat in John's lap, something that made her blush when he first offered, and looked comfortable. That didn't stop me from making looks at her every now and then though, much like when they had made fun of me slightly when Jack had forced he down onto a chair he was sitting in back at the hideout.

Jack and I sat beside each other, my dad giving Jack a kind of evil eye when John had done the offering of a lap to Annie. Jack took the hint and I just sat down next to him. Which gave way to the perfect setting of Jack able to lean toward me a little and whisper, "I didn't realize you looked like a famous person when you were little, princess."

I faced him. "We still have a lot to learn about the other then, don't we?" He backed away, going back to his pizza.

"Yeah," He muttered. "We do."

As I looked around, I noticed that Annie's mom was just sitting on the couch, listening in on conversation but not really contributing. Annie didn't seem to notice. John's mother did. "Katie. You seem quiet. You okay?"

Annie's mom looked to her. "Yeah, i'm fine, Martha. Today's just been a lot to take in. I think I would just rather go to bed if you don't mind." She explained, putting her plate on the coffee table.

"Sure," Henry replied for Martha, looking at John a second later. "John, do you think you could show Annie's mother to the guest room?"

"And make sure she has blankets and stuff. Make her feel comfortable." Martha added.

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