Chapter Thirty-Three

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The Program

Chapter Thirty-Three

In the end, I went to the bathroom, changed out of my pants, and cut them myself.

Turns out my knight in shining armor wasn't needed for those steps, much to his disappointment.

They looked awkward after they were cut and I still had to do something about them not staying up, but at least one problem was taken care of.

Once I made it back to Jack's room, I handed him the scissors, a yawn escaping me right after. He chuckled at the sound and kissed me on the forehead, saying a quick good night and letting us know that if we needed anything, just come next door.

The second I hit his bed, I felt like sleeping, which was strange since I was just in a coma for months on end and in all technicality slept the whole time. But Annie had different plans.

"Did you see the way he talked to me?" She asked, looking over at me from her side of the bed. "God, he's stubborn."

I placed a hand on my face, running it down it and groaning. "Annie, I actually want to sleep if that's okay."

"Oh," She said. "I understand. Sorry. Good night."

Once she pulled the covers over her, I felt bad and told her, "I'm kidding. Tell me about it."

The covers fell and she smiled. "Well, for one, that stupid thing he did earlier at the hideout just totally made me mad. But at the same time I thought I was overreacting a bit." She sighed. "I was so mad though. I mean, I won't let just anyone get away with saying i'm jealous, especially when I wasn't and they thought they could turn it into a joke."

"Uh-huh." I took a deep breath, trying to keep my eyes open.

"But the thing is, John's not 'just anyone', you know? He's different. At first I didn't see it, him being this awful jerk that called you a freak and all. No one, and I mean, no one, get's away with making fun of people I care about." She stated, running her hand through her hair. "But then when you went into the coma again, he sat with me every night before he went in after you. Jack would be on the other side of the bed, this being before he was sent to jail, and me and John would sit opposite of him. And while he was sleeping, we'd just talk about anything. It was amazing and I felt something, you know?"

I didn't realize a lot of what she was saying had happened. "Yeah. It's great to feel that. Wait until you fall in love."

"Oh, Lexi," She smiled. "Is it as amazing as it's described in the cheesy romance novels? Does you're stomach fill with butterflies and your thoughts become only of him?"

I shook my head, her frowning a bit. "No." I replied. "Most likely you'll get a stomach ache from seeing them, not the sick kind but the nerve filled kind. You'll barely be able to stand on your feet because you can practically feel them turning into jelly when he looks at you. Your thoughts are still about other things but somehow they always lead back to them. Like, what are they doing right now, are they thinking of me because I know I am about them? And when they are around, your brain is a jumble of thoughts and words you can't properly say without thinking you sound like an idiot. Love is confusing and scary." I looked right at her. "But then when you hear them tell you they feel the same way, it blows up even more and everything is two times worse."

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