Chapter Nineteen

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The Program

Chapter Nineteen

Of all the things to be expected after something like that, John's reaction wasn't one of them.

"Promise me that if we ever survive this, you won't mention that to Annie." He demanded, running his hand through his hair and practically shooting away from me and standing up. He looked nervous, really nervous.

"You kissed your brother's girlfriend and you tell me not to tell Annie. Why?" Hold on a second. "Wait, is there something going on between you two? I mean, ugh, don't answer that. How could you kiss me?"

"I don't know. It just h-happened." He yelled. "You don't seriously think I would willingly kiss you, right?"

I got up from the ground. "Well, you did!"

"No, I didn't. I-I mean, I did but..." He trailed off. "Just please can we never mention this to anyone?"

"What do you mean you didn't? You obviously did. I know, I was on the receiving end of things." I basically screamed.

"I-I thought you were...someone else." 

I crossed my arms. "What in the heck is that supposed to mean?"

He looked nervous, and I knew instantly the look plastered on his face; confusion. I'd felt it multiple times before and never knew how to explain it. John seemed to be in the same position.

But that didn't change the fact that he kissed me and won't tell me why.

I didn't have much time to question it though, me spotting something before I could speak again.

Behind John, near a tree that was no longer glitching out for some reason, stood a bear with shovels and other various tools sticking out of it's chest, also not glitchy and broken looking like the test had been before. But there wasn't exactly time to focus on that.

John must have seen the wide look I had, turning around. "Crap."

I slightly reached for his arm. "Don't move too much. We don't need it to charge at us." My words came out in a whisper.

"And if it does?" He hissed. "I'm not Jack, I don't know how to kill these things. And I would shoot it but Natalie or something took the gun I came in here with and-"

"Would you shut up?" I snapped. "I don't need a long drawn out explanation. Just back away slowly, we don't have time to fight it."

"And yet, you had time to chew me out for kissing you." He mumbled.

I stopped moving, planting my feet where they were and glared at him. "You had the time to start that kiss." I said it louder than I intended, me hearing a sudden growl from the direction of the bear.

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