Chapter Three

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The Program

Chapter Three

About four days ago, I found out that John's parents were part of the reason I was sent to the test. They wouldn't really tell me what was going on, why they are working for Reid. I mean, they wouldn't even tell me why in the world they thought it was a good idea to send their sons to the test. But I had to leave it alone, being told more than once by Natalie that it was something I didn't need to know.

Yeah well, the last time she kept something from me Reid almost killed me and all my friends. But sure, I don't need to know what's going on.

And, well, John has been hanging out at my house more since that day, trying to keep as much distance between him and his parents as he can. I leave him alone and let him hide here. After all, given the fact that Jack's dad is Reid, i'm sure he's over a lot more. And we both have our reasons for not wanting to be near him.

"What are you doing?" John asked me, walking into my room unannounced and taking my book from my hands.

"What do you think? I was holding a book and my eyes were looking at it. Not that hard to figure out, John." I said.

"Ah, okay then. So, what is it about?" He gave it back to me.

"Don't you have something better to be doing right now instead of bugging me? But if you must know, it's about these teenagers with cancer who go to Amsterdam to meet their favorite author and fall in-"

"Okay, that's enough. Forget I even asked." He cut me off. "Besides, we have better things to be doing than reading."

"You did not just say that. Reading is one of the most important things."

"Whatever, just put the book down and come with me." I did as he said, following him out of my room.

"And where are we going?"

"To my house." He must have caught the look I was giving him because he explained. "My parents aren't there and it's boring here. So, either you can stay here and read your precious little book or we can go to my house and search through my parents stuff and maybe find something useful."

Okay, he had a point. But i'm sure they were smart enough to not leave important information just laying around. I mean, they helped make the test, they had to be smart. Before I could bring this fact up, though, John pulled me out of my house and out the door. At least this time I had my phone with me.

"You know, I am capable of leaving my home without your help. I have these two things called legs and I know how to use them." I yanked my arm away from him. He shrugged it off and we got into his truck. "Why is it that it's cleaner in here right now than it was the night of our date?" I asked as I noticed the floor clear of papers of any kind.

"Because I was purposely ruining everything that night."

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