Chapter Thirteen

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The Program

Chapter Thirteen

"Can't we just cancel dinner?" Jack asked, running his hands through his black mop of hair. He looked exhausted, which he had reason for given the headache he still had, the newly remembered information taking its toll on him as the stress caused a sudden twitch of his hand as he brought it down from his hair. 

In one swift motion, I gently grabbed it, giving him a reassuring glance as I did so. "If I recall correctly, you were the one that wanted this to happen."

"Yeah, well I was an idiot." He squeezed my own hand and spoke again. "Whatever. Let's just go. The faster we get this done and you do your plan thing, the faster I can go back to normal."

"Normal isn't gonna be possible, Jack." I heard at the top of the stairs. We both turned to see John, taking the steps two at a time, a phone held to his ear. I figured he knew by now that Jack remembered, what with him being in the house and all, but that fact didn't even seem to phase him. "Reid is your dad. And let me tell ya, our butts are gonna get kicked from you knowing. But I guess Lexi did the right thing, considering her plan." 

"John knows about your plan and you won't tell me? I'm confused, princess. Wasn't it the other way around in the test?" Jack asked, turning back to me briefly.

"She didn't tell me. Natalie did." John was now down the stairs, phone no longer on but by his side. "That was her just then. I called her about Lexi going crazy and wanting to tell you and she just went along with it, said it was the logical thing to do when you know what Lexi has in store. So I guess there really are perks to her seeing inside of your brain." I just stood there, hoping he wouldn't say anything. When Jack realized what would be the result of this plan, he wouldn't be happy. "And let me just say, Natalie thinks it will work."

That was unexpected.

"Okay, so you two know." Jack released my hand and went back to running it through his hair. "But i'm out of the loop."

I didn't know what to say. God, even the fact that John knew was making me a bit queasy to tell the truth. I didn't need anyone worrying about me or the plan's outcome. I just need everything to go smoothly. And Jack knowing wouldn't do that. So, as I fumbled for the right words, John stepped in. "I think right now we have bigger problems." He said.

"Um, what kind of problems?" I asked as he made his way farther into the living room, grabbing the remote as he turned on the television.

"Natalie told me something else during the call." He answered quickly, stopping at the channel he needed to when he got there. "Got it. Okay, just watch and i'll explain."

It was a news station, something i've actually become accustomed to watching what with me being medical mystery famous. All of Florida, and many other states, knew about the strange coma that somehow effected one hundred and fifty teens without a clear sign as to why.

Not that I have paid much attention when watching the news because of this fact. It wasn't going to give me answers as to why it happened.

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