Chapter Eight

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The Program

Chapter Eight

For the most part, Reid did nothing wrong the entire night. Don't ask me why, but he actually seemed......normal? I expected some kind of glare or threat or something, anything. Maybe even a childish trip like what we all do in kindergarten to get back at someone, causing me to maybe spill my food all over myself as I fell, but even that didn't happen. 

In fact, he even smiled at me once, no, twice. And I don't know why, but the whole freaking night bugged the crap out of me.

I guess I was just expecting him to go full blown evil Reid right in front of his son, he did it enough in the test. I know, there was at the beginning where Reid acted all nice and stuff in the test but it just seemed weird now, now that I saw that evil side, that was technically there all along but still. And the creepy thing, when Reid smiled at me, I smiled back. But it was for one reason only, his smile was just as contagious as Jack's. Seriously, and that wasn't the only similarity I saw between them. 

You know that weird thing that people in movies do where if they're trying to prove that they're related and what not with the whole we eat food the same way and all that? That's what they were doing, and it didn't stop there. The facial expressions and everything, they were clearly related and I was super stupid for not putting it together sooner.

"Turn left here." I told Jack. You see, I was having to give him directions to my house because after the whole dinner and then Reid went home, it was time for me to leave so that my mom wouldn't blow a gasket. And somehow John got out of it, leaving Jack as the only alternative. Not that he was complaining. No, he was having a ball irritating me with numerous questions.

"Got it." He said, turning the wheel. "Okay, so far I know that your favorite color is red, you don't very much like cats, Mary is annoying, my brother is an irritating prick, and you prefer books over people. But time for the really important question. What is your favorite ship, Serenity or Enterprise?"

"Ooh, that's so important." I teased, laughing. "At first, I thought you were asking me what my favorite fandom ship was, and then you hit me with that and i'm just like, whoa, he's talking about sci-fi space ships. God, I need to get out more, maybe laying in a meadow contemplating life instead of wasting time on the internet."

"As much as I would like to ask why you have to lay in a meadow to think about your life, you never answered my important question." He said at the same time I told him to turn right up ahead.

"Uh, okay, I pick both. You should never make someone who is a Trekkie and a Browncoat pick between them."

"And now we're back to fandoms." He let out a chuckle. "Fine, i'll take that answer, Lexi."

"Good, you've been hitting me with questions since we left your house, it's my turn." I stated.

"Well, to get a few out of the way. My favorite color is green. I happen to love cats, hence the reason why I now have one." That would be true. That cat they had that day I hugged him stayed around and I saw it at dinner. Turns out he named it Milo. "I too think Mary is more annoying than a barking duck that tries to steal my candy bar."

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