Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The Program

Chapter Twenty-Nine

The amount of which Jack's jaw dropped whenever we made our way to the front of the building was priceless.

I had expected something to be happening between Annie and John while we were gone. But I figured it would be along the lines of Annie trying to decide which way would be most efficient to cut off John's head with.

And yet, I had to hold back a smile as I saw them kissing for the second time today.

Neither one had noticed us yet, or maybe they had and were just not caring, both of them basically making out with us and a police officer -one that paid no attention to us may I add- in the room. Jack eventually quit staring with a shocked expression, instead leaning over and whispering in my ear, "Hey, princess. Just a heads up, but I think John's cheating on you."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, poor me." I joked. "How will I ever go on? Mary will be so disappointed."

Jack laughed too and removed his hand from my own, wrapping it around my waist. "I'm fine with my brother finding someone else. It means I can have you all to myself, less competition."

I turned my head to his. "There was never a competition, Jack." I smiled. "Just you."

"Dang right," Jack muttered in a smug way, us looking back to the kissy couple again only to see that now John was not only kissing her cheek and smiling, but Annie giggled in a flirting fashion. "God, they're gonna be one of those kind of couples. I mean, when did they even become one?"

"Today," I answered. Knowing there was more to the story than that, considering the kiss me and John shared when he thought I was Annie. The thought made me feel a bit guilty. I wanted to tell Jack, but I didn't want to hurt him. "Kinda."

"You okay? Your mood changed." He noted.

I bit my lip, shrinking away from his grasp. I wasn't going to lie to him, not ever again. But I probably should save this conversation for later, perhaps when Natalie could help explain all that happened. I didn't do that, being the dumb person I was in that second and all. "I kinda have something to tell you. It's about John."

"If it's the fact that he's an idiot, I know." Jack placed his hands in his pockets. "But given your reaction right now, it seems serious. What'd he do this time?"

I fidgeted with my hands, placing them at my side to stop my nervous habits as I said, "He kissed me." I released a long breath after I told him, watching as the expression on his face changed, not much, but slightly.

"God, i'm sorry." He joked. Why wasn't he mad?

I was confused but explained myself anyway. "It didn't mean anything and I know that's what all the lame liars say in the movies, but it really didn't and it was an accident-"

"Is there a reason why he did it?" He cut in.

I tried to calm my speaking and answer him coherently. "It's a long story, but the short version is that doing so saved our lives."

"Okay," Jack said, hands now out of his pockets and instead crossing his arms. "I believe you."

"You're not mad?" I asked.

He shook his head. "You're alive because of it, even if the thought is revolting. How could I be mad about that? And, no offense, even you two as friends seemed unlikely. Thinking you would willingly kiss the other is a little far fetched."

"Um, good then." I wasn't really sure how to take this. In my head, this is not how this conversation went. "That was easy. I mean, you're kinda taking this the same way as when I revealed to you that I could disrupt."

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