Chapter Ten

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The Program

Chapter Ten

"So what, now you're just going to sit there and deny the fact that you have feelings for this guy? Really, Lexi? Really?" I just sat there, refusing to answer her question, frozen on my bed with a pack of oreos beside me. It was half eaten from, more from me than from Maddie, and I already had two ready in my hand, prepared to get chomped so I could, as Maddie kept telling me, drown out my thoughts about a guy with food.

But I knew an answer was needed, mainly because she was wrong. "I'm not denying it, I just freaking told you I liked him. Please, oh wise madam, inform me of how that is me denying it." I said, my mouth drooling with pure sarcasm and a point, which would be that I hadn't denied it. I just hoped the cookies I started eating didn't suffocate any bit of that point as it made my voice and words a smidge incoherent.

Me and Maddie had our problems, like all best friends do, clashing personalities and all, but when I needed her, she still stayed her stubborn and aggravating self that listened when I really needed it. And that's what makes the two of us best friends. And then there was Nate, my second best friend. But he never wanted to hear a word about guy problems. These facts didn't take away the fact that I had barely spoken to either of them since I woke up though, I couldn't even properly remember the last time I held a conversation with them.

"Fine, maybe you told me that you like this, uh, what was his name again? Jack?" I nodded. "Okay, so you told me, but you haven't told him, you haven't told Jack."

"I freaking kissed him." I told her, my voice a bit heated and I threw my hands up for emphasis. "I kissed him, not the other way around. Me, I did it. Couldn't he have figured out that I like him? And then afterward, he stinking asked me to make sure, and I nodded. So I kind of did tell him, that counts. Trust me on this one, Maddie, Jack isn't dumb. He knows I like him."

"Hey, no need to yell at me, Lexi. It's not my fault that you started seeing this guy and didn't even bother to tell me, your best friend, until today." It got kinda quiet after that.

"It's not like we're dating, me and him." I mumbled after awhile.

"Yeah, you mentioned that. But god, Lexi. It just hurts to not be in the loop about things like this, and it's about a guy, one you like. No offense, but you having a crush on anyone is definitely something I never thought would happen." I half smiled and shrugged.

"Some of us don't grow out of our boys are gross phase as quickly as others do."

"Well, i'm glad you finally did. And to think, it all happened because of the boy Mary set you up with." I don't think I would ever end up telling Maddie the actual reason behind mine and Jack's kinda relationship, the test. So, for now, she could believe all she wanted that I fell head over heels for Jack through his brother. "It's pretty romantic actually."

"Oh yeah, like the greatest love story of the century." I said, followed by a light laugh.

"But I would like to meet this guy sometime. He has to go through the approval process." I rolled my eyes at her and got off the bed, the cookies somehow coming with me and spilling onto the floor.

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