Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Before you read, I just wanted to say that I posted an idea for a Prequel to 'The Test' on my account. More information will be in the author's note at the end of this chapter and in that book. Link to it is in external link :)

The Program

Chapter Thirty-Seven

"Are you going to continue sleeping and being lazy, or maybe decide it's time to get up and be productive, Lexi?" I heard a feminine voice echo against the walls surrounding me as I could feel myself waking up, my head pounding.

With my eyes blurry and my body feeling like it could crumble to pieces at any second, I tried my hardest to get up and find the person speaking.

But no one was in the room, the awful bright white covering the walls blinding my already not seeing properly eyes. And the floors themselves looked like a hard cage, square holes formed by metal knotted together yet to my surprise was easy to stand up on.

It made me feel like I was in a movie; being locked up in a white vacant room like I was. But at least I was wearing the same clothes. I didn't have to worry about someone undressing me while I was out. When I see that stuff in movies, it scares me a little.

But I will admit, my absence of shoes was unnerving.

"Nice to see you're going with option two," The voice said again, my head whipping backwards -not a pleasant feeling when you've got a headache- to see a speaker. It was roughly the size of my hand and on the wall.

It took every fiber of my being to not wince as I walked closer, grinding my teeth together and saying, "Am I right to presume that you're the boss?"

"Perhaps." She answered. "But you're also an idiot for walking up to this box when i'm sure you realize I can hear you from any point in the room. But I can actually hear you better when you're facing the camera in the corner behind you. And as a perk, I can see the front of you easier too."

I turned around slightly, seeing what she was talking about and then calmly facing the box again. "Looks like you thought of everything, Mary." I paused, once again going back to my suspicions. I couldn't make out whether or not I knew the voice as she had spoken, my state of deliriousness taking over. So, I took a chance.

She said nothing after that, myself again faced with a silent, empty room.

I wasn't sure whether her no longer talking meant she in fact was Mary, or she just wanted me to think she was.

There was a sudden jolt of heat surrounding my feet, the metal below them feeling as if they'd caught fire. The effect of smoke coming up through the holes made me believe that fact.

I was jumping and screaming, looking like a crazy person in an attempt to lessen the pain on my feet.

But the more I jumped, the more it hurt. And the more I screamed, the more smoke filled the room.

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