Chapter Four

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The Program

Chapter Four

I had a cat when I was five, resulting in multiple cries and screams and scratches because of it. The thing hated me, it's tail going back in forth in pleasure each time it made a tear leave my eye. It was vicious, clawing at my flesh and I swear it wore a smile due to my misery. Thankfully, after much begging and sad pleading to my parents, the fluffy cat with white fur that somehow never got stained with my blood was taken to a new home where I was told she roamed free, living happily ever after and bringing great joy to many children.

Needless to say, I think you can understand why I am not that big of a cat person. Okay, let me rephrase that, i'm not that fond of evil cats. I would actually love to have a cat someday, as long as my eyes don't get yanked out with powerful claws that is.

Which brings me to what's happening now, in Jack's living room. His friends, Danny and Clay, are sitting and paying way to much attention to the television and Jack is paying attention to me, not that I don't like that, and the cat is staring at me with beady little eyes as it sits on his lap.

"You know, it's not going to eat you." Jack whispered to me, trying to be quiet so we didn't disturb the guys.

"Yeah, I uh, I know that. I just, um-" But he cut me off before I could finish my mumbled out sentence.

"Let me guess, horrible childhood memory ruin something for you? In this case it's probably cats. Yeah, I know that feeling." There was something strange about how he said the last sentence and my mind was searching for what the problem was. I guess I was going back to the me and Jack we were in the test, trying to help the other without even needing to question it. And then I remembered, the fire.

Reid told me Jack's parents, apparently Reid actually being one of them, and Jack's grandmother died in a fire. That had to ruin something, right? "Right." I said. And somehow he must have taken that to mean grab my hand because that's exactly what he did. He froze for a minute, both of us looking down at our intertwined fingers and him giving me a look like he was trying to figure me out when he shook his head and led my hand toward the cat. A moment later and I was petting it, running over its orange fur and purring happening as a result.

"See, not all cats are bad." He whispered again, this time closer to my ear and it actually made me shake a bit to tell you the truth. I backed away from him, realizing that this was the closest we've been to each other since we woke up, since that horrible day I thought I lost him forever while in the test. Thinking back to that now brings the pain of thinking I would never see him again when I risked myself to save him. And here he was, perfectly fine and still Jack, annoying and sarcastic but being his amazing Jackish self. "You okay?" He looked genuinely concerned when he asked me, leading me to feel the slightest bit of a tear beginning to form.

"Yeah, i'm gonna, uh, go check on John." I said to cover up the feelings that started to show, getting up and still not drawing the attention of Danny or Clay, their eyes glued to the screen. I went up the stairs before Jack could say anything, but he didn't have to. Instead, he grabbed my arm as I reached the top and pulled me back, somehow reaching me without me even hearing him behind me and turning me to face him and no words needed to be said.

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