Chapter Twenty-Six

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The Program

Chapter Twenty-Six

Walking out of the hospital was very different this time around. Cameras for news stations were everywhere, asking dumb questions about the theories on what had happened and such. Last time they left us alone, respected us.

Now, not so much.

"Get in the car," Bridget demanded. There were many different cars, my family climbing into one of the others. Me and John climbed into the one with her. "We're taking you somewhere safe for the time being. You'll be under our protection until further notice."

Natalie's words came to my head as Bridget said it.

That doesn't mean they're going about it in the right way or that they should be trusted.

Natalie warned us that they could be dangerous. I'll stick by them for now, until I get Jack and Annie back. Then, i'll need to do something about this. "Fine," I told her. "What about my family?"

"And mine?" John spoke up.

"They'll be taken back to their homes, some of the guards watching in case Reid or the others working with him decide to make an appearance." She answered. "Since the test is officially broken now, they want you back more than ever."

"Why?" I asked.

She turned to me, buckling her seat-belt and motioned for us to as well. "I both are compatible, remember? If the organization got a hold of you, they could make an even strong test with your abilities. It would be chaos."

"Oh," Me and John both muttered, me biting my lip. Then, I spoke up again. "And Natalie, where is she going?"

"With us to our safe house." She said, now not facing me. "We'll need to run some tests and ask a few more questions. Then, she's free to go to her own house and it will be guarded as well."

John looked at her. "Maybe you should put our families in one house. I would feel safer knowing that they're all being guarded at one place by all of the guards instead of just a few of those guys at two or three houses."

She tuned around again. "Alright." She pulled out her phone, giving the orders and then the rest of the ride was silent.

We eventually pulled up to an old house type of building, everything rustic and gross looking. "Uh, what is this?" I asked.

"Don't you know, Lexi?" Bridget replied. "It's just like some movies. It looks better on the inside."

We walked behind her as she went inside, a car pulling up outside and Natalie getting out. She rushed to us. The inside didn't look any better despite what Bridget had said, that is, not until she touched a spot on the wall I didn't see and a passage was opened.

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