Chapter Thirty-Four

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The Program

Chapter Thirty-Four

Over the next few days, all of us teens -including Natalie as well- continued to go to the hideout and Natalie showed us a few different fighting styles. I wasn't getting the hang of it as quickly, but Jack was cheering me on, even saying that I should look at it as if I were Tris from Divergent, and he would be my Tobias.

The fact that he mentioned a book alone made me want to kiss him. But given the fact he compared himself to the all powerful Four made me laugh.

He wasn't exactly pleased by this fact.

And at the end of each day, we would go back to his house, continue with the same sleeping arrangements we were using, and do it all again the next day.

But on this particular morning, something a bit different took place.

I was sitting in the kitchen, eating oatmeal -which I wasn't exactly a fan of but I choked down as not to be rude- with Annie's mom when we all heard a commotion outside.

It was clear that the guards were keeping someone from getting to the door. I saw John's dad roll his eyes and open the door. All of us down here just watched.

"Excuse me. Is there a problem out here?" He asked, following by him saying, "Oh, Danny. Clay. What are you guys doing here? Who are your friends? Wait, just come in."

At this point, Jack and I both stood up. I exited the kitchen, Katie staying and smiling at me as I left.

Not long after, Jack was engulfed in a hug by his two friends, both of them spitting off words of how much they missed him and how he should have called and told them he was out of jail.

I just stared, not at them, but at the two people behind them. My best friends.

"Lexi," I heard Nate say, seeming to wait for the moment when I would walk to him. "W-we saw you on the news. You're awake."

I smiled and ran to both of them, Maddie wrapping her arms around me and Nate putting his around us both. "Yeah," I breathed out. "I'm okay."

"Oh my god, Lexi!" Maddie continued, the slightest bit of tears on her cheeks as she pulled away.

I felt horrible about not talking to them much since I woke up from the first coma. I'd been busy, wrapped up in all of this. But moments like these, the ones where we still cared about each other despite that, proved we were best friends.

Eventually, both of us two groups of happy friends separated. Jack turned to me, grinning as he turned to me. "Well, aren't you gonna introduce me, princess?"

I crossed my arms. "You met them at the hospital before. Remember that?" I answered, waving at his friends. "Hi, Danny. Great to see you again, Clay."

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