Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The Program

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Mary looked different. Her hair was blonde now, and she was wearing less makeup than what I normally see her with. Her hair, i'd decided, didn't fit her.

"Going through a change are we? What? Was the red head image not doing it for you anymore?" I crossed my arms, trying to look as if I wasn't literally stuck in my place and scared senseless. If this was just normal, annoying step-mom Mary and not a person who's so much more powerful than I originally anticipated, I probably wouldn't have to put up a facade.

She looked at me for a minute, keeping the silence right were it was before she walked closer to me and caused me to take a deep breath as she started saying, "This is my natural hair color, dear. Isn't it gorgeous? Just as pretty as yours." She made a move of her hand toward my own hair, me jerking slightly but in the end left with nothing to but but let her hands smooth it down and lace a strand in her fingers. "Of course, mine has some grey in it. Nothing a little bit of dye can't help."

I slinked away from her then, being extremely uncomfortable with her tone and calmness. She didn't seem to care though, turning her attention to Reid. "I had a nice chat with Jack. Nice boy, very smart. You and Diana made one heck of a kid, Ben."

"Leave him alone. Let him go. My wife too. You've done enough." Reid hissed. "You have Lexi. and Me. I'm begging you to let them go."

"What would be the fun in that? Besides," She went to him. "don't you want to hear what your darling son had to say about his dad?"

Reid spat, spit landing on Mary's face and shock written all over her.

"I was hoping we could be adults about this," Mary said. "But I should have known I was fooling myself."

And believe it or not, they both started bickering with each other after that, Mary throwing her maturity card out the window along with Reid's.

I cleared my throat, their attention coming back to me. "Um, but uh, Jack's okay right?"

Mary practically sang as she spoke. "Just a little burned, nothing he hasn't gone through before." She paused, a smirk lining her lips. "But back to what he said. Oh yes! He forgives you, Ben. Isn't that nice?"

"He...forgave me?" Reid stuttered. Mary nodded.

"Kinda funny how life works, huh, Ben? One moment you're some lame dad with a lame kid, and the next, you're working for some of the most talented and powerful people ever."

"Sounds like I actually got the crap end of the stick if you ask me." Mary's smile fell at his words.

I just remained silent as Mary pulled a gun out. It was simple, small even. But one thing i've learned from movies, a gun showing up never ends well.

"Something else funny about that scenario. I do believe you once said your dying wish would be for Jack to forgive you for everything you put him through." She raised the gun and my eyes bugged out. Reid stayed in his spot. "Funny how that seemed to work out."


Hey guys! Another update. One more chapter away from the end. I'm kinda freaking out...

Anyway, I entered this in the wattys this year. I highly doubt I will win because last year I was in the beginners luck category so there was less...competition I guess you could say. But this year i'll be going up against majorly popular books and it probably won't work out. But hey, I never know unless I try. Also, I entered another book of mine called 'How To Get Banned From A Library' and if you maybe want to help me out and read it, I would appreciate it. Link in external link...

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