Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The Program

Chapter Twenty-Eight

"Welcome to the worst place on earth, princess." Jack rolled his eyes, cocking his head to the side as he stared at me through the bars when I walked in. He pushed his black hair out of his face, showing those beautiful green eyes of his. 

I almost glared at him because of his tone, but I couldn't. Not when i'd missed him so much, not when this was the first time i'd seen him in what felt like forever. Instead I went with, "You're not in the test, idiot. It's just prison." I had been informed that he was alone in here, none of the police wanting him to possibly talk to anyone about anything.

"You're funny," He smirked. "I missed that. I mean, I also miss easily consumable meals, but seeing you awake just takes the cake." I'm glad Bridget allowed me to be the one to let him out, let me see him first. But John was waiting in the next room with Annie and it looked like she was about to rip his head off, if I had something personal or private to say, I needed to do it now. John suspected that private thing would be kissing though.

I smiled at his words, blushing as well. He always knew how to be a charmer. "I missed you too." I said, lowering my head a little and leaning against the concrete wall. 

"When did you wake up? No one told me you had."


"And you're already up and walking around even though last time we were warned about such? Rebellious. I like it." He said. "Where'd you get the outfit? It's cute on you, but kinda baggy don't ya think?"

I looked at my clothes and laughed. I forgot I had been wearing the clothes Bridget's guards gave me. "I ran into a few people. It's a long story."

"Oh. A good story or a bad one?" He asked.

"They're the reason i'm here to see you." I told him, silently adding in my head that I was also here to free him. "I'd say it's a good one with a few rough moments." He smirked.

Jack didn't say anything for a minute and neither did I. I could tell he was thinking so I let him be. But eventually, he spoke.

"Lexi." I looked back at him. His smirk wasn't so cocky anymore, now replaced with a grin that was soft and consisted of him ever so slightly biting his lip. He got up from the floor, walking to the bars that separated us and ran his fingers over the metal. "I love you."

"Crap!" I whined. "How is it that when I told you it seemed like the most unromantic thing to ever grace the earth, but when you do it, I feel like i'm gonna blow up from how it makes me feel to hear you say it? I mean, wow. That was freaking romantic."

"Well, you were in the middle of something when you told me," He told me. I went up to him, finger touching his as I stood there. He reached through the spaces in the bars, grabbing a strand of my hair and twirling it between two of his fingers. He then placed it behind my ear, or tried to anyway. He couldn't get his arm to go that far, so I tilted my head forward to help him. 

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