Epilogue [PART TWO]

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Another little reminder that all three epilogues (this one being part 2/3) will be told in Jack's point of view, not Lexi's...

The Program

Epilogue [PART TWO]

Wearing a suit and tie is not one of those things i've ever been very fond of. I always preferred jeans and polo. And Lexi never seemed to have a problem with it, always saying that it worked for me and then teasingly saying that it brought out my eyes. Even after three years of being together, her jokes are still really lame.

Despite my best efforts though, Lexi forbade me from wearing such a thing today, saying that this was a special day, one that when people look back on the pictures we'll both be forced to be apart of, they'll smile at the well dressed young man instead of pursing their lips in disgust at a hole in my jeans. I didn't put up much of a fight, after all, even if her jokes suck, one of the things Lexi actually is good at is being right, not always but enough for it to matter.

That, and i'm sure Annie would have smacked me a few times for thinking such attire was presentable for a wedding. And even though I love Lexi, the Annie reason is the main reason i'm standing in front of a mirror struggling with my purple tie -which is way too shiny I might add- and to use Lexi's words, making my hair less of a hot mess. Because in all actuality, Lexi doesn't intimidate me, but Annie. God, Annie scares the crap outta me. I'm certain that if I didn't do as she said, I would be in a world of hurt.

"Hurry up. Lexi's ready to kick me where the sun don't shine if I don't get you in your position before the wedding starts," I heard John say as he came up beside me, followed by me dropping my arms in frustration and releasing a long breath of air. Silently, I laughed. I may be terrified by Annie, but my girl was somehow able to put the fear of death in him as well.

Looking at him, I was shocked to see that his tie was fine, perfectly tied actually. "Dude, teach me your tricks and maybe you'll be safe." I pointed out with my finger directed toward his tie. "How did you manage that?"

He smirked, making me more annoyed with this situation than i'd like to be. "I'm just that awesome, bro."

"So, Maddie then?" I asked, knowing his comment couldn't possibly be true.

He nodded, running a hand through his hair, and the answer to how he didn't messing it up was far beyond my understanding. "Yeah, it's so freaking confusing. All these twists and turns and knots. How in the heck did she do this?" 

Maddie was pretty much a natural at all things like this, so me and John were lucky that she was both best friends with Lexi and Annie, or else she may not have been here to help with this struggle. I mean, lord knows neither one of our lovely ladies would help, both of them would probably enjoy our suffering.

Love's great, isn't it? Notice the sarcasm.

"Thought so," It was my turn to smirk, walking toward to door with a pat on John's shoulder beforehand.

But John must have been a bit uneasy, pulling me back. The person he had changed into in those few seconds was unbelievable, his eyes showing something in them that gave away just how nervous he was despite him being the calmest of the two over the past couple of months. He swallowed hard as I asked, "Wanna talk about it?"

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