Chapter Thirty-Six

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The Program

Chapter Thirty-Six

"Well, as if there wasn't already enough things you've lied to me about, Natalie." I raised my hands slightly and grumbled, causing Natalie to back up. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"It wasn't important." Was her only defense. "All telling you would have done is make you even more confused and after we ran the tests to make sure it wasn't relevant to your connection with John, we didn't see a point."

I glared at her. "Didn't see a point? It's my life. You people have already taken so much of it away from me that I don't even know what's real anymore."

"Lexi." Annie tried to stop me.

It didn't work very well. I turned to Bridget. "And you. Did you not see a point in telling us that the reason you knew so much about all this was because you were involved? Or did it just slip your mind?" I crossed my arms and lowered my head. "Is there anyone in this room that isn't hiding something?"

Natalie came forward again. "It's same thing you did with Jack, Lexi. When you wouldn't tell him about the test, about you two. Don't yell at us for something you've done too."

"We're all human." Kent added. "We judge people, then turn around and do the same thing we judged them for and expect them to understand. No one is perfect. We make mistakes, but there's always a reason."

I bit my tongue to keep me from blowing up. I knew they were right, but after all, i'm human. Humans make mistakes and they get mad.

I'm human, and i'm mad.

"I'll be back." I told them, already turned around and walking away.

Natalie called out though. "Lexi, let's just talk about it."

I only ignored her.


I stayed outside for just a bit. It was cool out and the sun was setting.

Part of me wished it was literally all a dream; the test. I wouldn't have to deal with this crap right now. I wouldn't of had to go through what I did. Wouldn't have had to fight.

Wouldn't have met Jack.

I shook my head.

No, I don't want it to be a dream. There are some things I would never take back.

But yet, my mind wondered anyway.

I could just see it; my life if things were different and I had woken up that morning instead of going into a coma.

Maddie would be there, and maybe I wouldn't have basically cut her out of my life accidentally. My mom and Marcus would have been there, probably smiling, mine and my brother's little fight about Mary forgotten. Nate would come over, and we'd all hang out.

My dad would most likely still live hours away, and I would dread seeing Mary.

John and I would still hate each other, not like there was a big improvement in that area anyway.

But still, that leads back to Jack.

Would we possibly hate each other? Would we have never met, or plain and simple avoid ever seeing the other?

He'd probably be with someone better than you, my mind hissed. And I knew it was true.

I didn't know if Jack had ever had a girlfriend before me, or something close. But I knew he could do better than a girl who did nothing but hide things from him. He could do better than a girl his dad wants dead.

I placed my head in my hands, trying to get rid of this thinking. It was unneeded. Especially at this moment.

My friends were probably in the hands of an evil mastermind, and I couldn't help them.

But sitting here and moping wasn't fixing that problem.

I stood up, wiping at my face and went back inside.

Or at least, I tried to.

Turns out, being hit in the back of the head without warning puts a damper on moving your body.

It can also make you pass out if it happens twice.


Sorry for the late update. I've been sick so I haven't gotten around to posting it.

And, wattpad randomly deleted this chapter which I had already written. No worries, right? I had it saved to my computer. Wrong. I did have it saved to my computer, but my computer is currently not working and i'm using my sister's. I had to retype the whole thing and try to remember what in the heck i'd written.

It's not the best (and really short) but it works for now.

Please remember to vote and comment if you like it :)

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