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In a little shopping district called Sumire-Dori, there's a small shop that sat in the center of the district. A humble place know for its great food and wonderful family staff. It was the crowning jewel of Sumire-Dori. Yukihira Family Eatery, a traditional Japanese diner where people can hang out and enjoy delicious food. However, in the back behind the shop, sat a young man only the age of fifteen sitting new a charcoal grill with squid over the flames.

"Disgusting." He groaned and laughed, eating the squid he had just grilled, "These were never meant to go together. I'm like a genius. Squid tentacles with peanut butter... This is so nasty."

"You aren't kidding, big brother. I can smell that horrible concoction from inside the diner." A voice said from the door to the back. The young man looked up at the door with a big smile on his face and a piece of squid hanging from in between his teeth.

A young girl, the same age as the boy, stood in the door way, her long red hair tied into a high ponytail and an annoyed look on her face. This was the boy's younger twin sister, and his best friend/rival.

"Hey, sis, what's up?" the boy asked.

"You know exactly what's up, you slacker." The girl said, "You got a cooking battle inside. Mayu's already here and waiting for your lazy butt to start cooking."

"Okay, okay, I'm on my way." The boy said, standing up and taking the white headband off his left wrist before tying it around his head.

"Well, let's do this." The boy said, "Joining in on the fun, Hikari?"

The girl scoffed and walked away, "Not today, Soma. But good luck beating Pops. You're gonna need it."

The two twins walked back into the diner and the boy, Soma, began cooking alongside his father while his sister went to wait the tables. 

The scent of fried rice wafted throughout the diner, making the customers more hungry with every passing second. The girl, Hikari, was silently taking in all the senses of the food being prepared, mainly smell, sight, and scent. 

A few minutes later, the fried rice was ready and several of the customers were standing by the serving deck, waiting for the judge to taste both dishes. The judge, Mayu Kurase, a young student the same age as the twin chefs. She goes to the same middle school as the twins, so it was easy for them to ask her to judge.

The father and owner of the restaurant, Jouichiro Yukihira, took out the band holding his shoulder length hair into a ponytail and smiled as he gestured to his prepared dish.

"Please, enjoy." He said.

"Bon Appetite, my lady." Soma said doing the same thing with his headband and gesturing to the food.

Hikari watched from the sidelines, already knowing that her father was going to win. Mayu took a big bite from Joichiro's dish and started moaning in pleasure. She did the same thing to Soma's dish and began to think of her decision. 

"This one here!" Mayu declared, pointing to Joichiro's dish, making him the winner. The customers all cheered and Hikari laughed at her brother's loss as he fell to his knees.

"Guess you needed more luck than I thought, big brother." Hikari teased.

"Looks like you still got some more learning to do, eh Soma?" Joichiro said to his son.

Soma huffed and walked away back to his sister, "All right sis, it's your turn. What's our rating?"

Hikari sighed and took a big bite out her brother's dish. After she swallowed, Hikari closed her eyes and focused on the flavors of the rice. She could pinpoint every wrong thing about it.

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