Late Night Challenge and Chat

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After the challenge in the mountains, the group that was given the challenge was quickly dismissed, upon hearing that they were late to returning to the hotel. As the students walked out of the room, Soma, Megumi, and and the Aldini brothers looked down near the doorway. There sleeping peacefully against the wall was Soma's younger twin sister, Hikari, sleeping because of the medicine she took.

Soma sighed, seeing her deeply asleep, and knelt down in front of her while gently shaking her shoulder.

"C'mon, sis." He whispered, "We gotta get back to the hotel. You can sleep better there."

Hikari groaned, slowly opening her eyes and looking up to see her brother. Though her vision wasn't focused, she could easily tell it was her brother just by his voice and scent. However, her condition reared its ugly head as her eyes had not even begun to adjust to the light and with her sensitivity, it was like staring at the sun.

"Soma. My glasses." She whispered. Soma understood and reached into her bag nearby, taking out her sunglasses and placing them on her face for her. She sighed in relief and fully opened her eyes, feeling absolute relief from the light in the hall.

"Now, can we get going?" Soma asked. Hikari nodded and stood up, walking out to the buses with everyone wondering what was wrong with her.

As soon as all the students settled on the bus, Hikari went back to sleep. And wouldn't you know it, she was sitting right next to Isami Aldini, the latter taking the window seat. And right across from them were their brothers, Takumi and Soma, the latter constantly looking over at his sister in concern. 

"What are you doing?" Takumi asked Soma, looking over at Hikari as well.

"I'm watching to make sure my sister is okay." Soma answered.

"Why wouldn't she be? She's just sleeping." Isami asked.

"My sister doesn't always sleep this long like this when she has a bad headache. It must've been a really bad one for her to be knocked out like that." Soma explained.

"Are you sure she's going to be all right, Soma?" Megumi asked from behind them.

Soma gave them a small smile looked back peacefully at his sleeping sister, "She'll be fine. She's tougher than you think."

Though he looked as if there was nothing to worry about, Soma was genuinely scared for his sister. Her condition with heightened senses constantly causes her pain from sight, hearing, taste, uncomfortable sensations with certain textures of touch, and powerful headaches that come with sight, smell and hearing.

The medicine she takes is strong, but not harmful to her body, and as she grows up, the medicine she takes will evolve to combat her condition and bring her relief from all the headaches. Soma didn't like her taking the medicine, but he didn't want her to suffer either.

What he didn't know was that Hikari was listening the entire time. And she knew that her brother was worried about her more than anything. Hikari didn't want her brother to worry, so she choked down the terrible tasting medicine for not only her sake, but for her family's. 

About an hour later, the bus arrived back at the hotel, unloaded all the students in front of the entrance.

"Megumi! Soma! Hikari! You made it!" Yuki shouted from the entrance with Ryoko, smiling as she ran up to hug Megumi and Hikari.

"Hey, Yuki. Hi, Ryoko." Megumi and Hikari greeted.

"Heard anything about the others?" Megumi asked. Ryoko turned around see Shun standing nearby, his phone to ear as he was talking to someone on the other line.

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