Deals and Decisions

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Hikari stood in front of the door leading to the Headmaster's office. She had waited outside his office for some time, but after an hour or so, he still hadn't shown up. Eventually she fell asleep sitting in one of the chairs in the hall. Little did she know that the reason the Headmaster was running late, was because he was meeting with those who had won the recent Food War.


Soma, Takumi and Megumi walked back into the main hall, all sad after seeing Hikari Yukihira be taken away without hardly saying a word to each other. And with Soma saying that she was too hot... with her condition, it could be bad if they didn't get her back soon.

Just as they were going up to meet Alice and Ryo, the stadium echoed with the sounds of a single person clapping.

They looked up ad saw Azami Nakiri on the higher levels, staring and smiling down at them with that cold unfeeling grin of his.

"That was quite the spectacle." He said as everyone whispered about seeing their new Headmaster there. The group below glared at the new Headmaster with sheer anger and resentment, more of the two being anger since he did kidnap and hold Hikari hostage.

"Uncle Azami, long time no see." Alice said.

The memories of Alice writing Erina letter after letter when she left for Europe flooded her mind, and the revelation that her own Uncle was keeping those letters from her cousin was something she could never forgive. It had not only ruined their relationship as family members, but also made Erina think that she was all alone.

"Hello, Alice." Azami said, "I appreciate you looking out for Erina and introducing her to Hikari once again."

"Oh, is that so?" Alice said, her tone darker and more hate-filled than normal.

"Alice, your Cutting Edge club is the only one who won in today's straggler hunt. The other thirty-two groups have lost their grounds. They will be officially disbanded, once Hikari approves all the paperwork and hands them in to me."

"Regardless of the other groups, Ryo was declared the victor against Central by Hikari. Can you honestly still stand there and tell us that your plan is the right thing to do? That it is the only way? Especially at the cost of a student's health and freedom?"

"I'm disappointed Alice. I thought better of you. I thought you of all people would support my plan of creating one true cuisine. Those of the Nakiri family have a duty to lead the world of gourmet food to new horizons. And my sweeping reform shall accomplish that."

Just then, Erina came into the stadium, surprised to hear her father's voice up in the stage seats. She was also very surprised to not see Hikari there, since she was one of the key judges in all the Food Wars. IT made her more fearful of what was happening to her.

"I can't simply accept your methods in good conscious, nor should I and that's final." Alice said.

"Oh, my dear. You're quite the naughty girl. Considering you kidnapped my beloved daughter right from under me and made Hikari lie to cover your own skin. I don't think you have any grounds to try and talk."

"That's neither here nor there, Uncle! Right now, I'm just upset, I will never forget your transgressions. Uncle Azami, these last few years have taught me something..... I hate you!"

The stadium went silent as Alice uttered those three words, everyone too surprised to say a word, but Alice continued speaking.

"I refuse to allow someone like you to ever influence Totsuki, Erina nor Hikari."

Azami chuckled, "Is that so? Well, you are welcome to try. but as for today, I congratulate you on your one and only victory. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to meet with Hikari on a very important matter. I can't keep her waiting too long."

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