Desserts and Dojima

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It was the next day of the Totsuki training camp from hell, and with it being the second day the students were becoming even more restless and desperate to succeed. If you were to compare the students to something in order to better see their attitudes, it would be like a herd of wild animals who have been starved for weeks in front of a fresh, juicy lamb. And there was only enough lamb for one beast to eat their fill.

Very common actions of the famous Totsuki Academy. But for a single red haired girl, it was more than exciting.

Hikari Yukihira, now feeling much better after taking her morning medication. She woke up early, before the sun rose in the morning sky, put on her hearing aids and adjusted them for the day. She had to remember to thank her father for getting the hearing aids for her, they really helped reduce her headaches, so Hikari didn't have to take too much of her medication. She'll have to confirm with her doctor when the camp was over.

For the second day of the training camp, she wasn't with her brother in the classroom this time. Apparently, from a personal request from someone higher up, she was moved and switched out with another student. It confused her a little, especially when she was woken up in the middle of the night by Chef Inui, telling her that her placement was switched the training camp. However, Hikari was never given an answer as to why this choice was made, only that someone higher up made the decision.

So, on this second day of the training camp from hell, Hikari went off to the room where her group would be meeting up, carrying her knives in their case so she could sharpen them while she waited.

When she got outside the room where her group would be meeting, Hikari sat down outside the door and took out her knives to sharpen them. About an hour had passed before her instructor came to the room, looking at her surprised to see a student up at this hour.

"What are you doing here, Ms..." The chef trailed off, not recognizing Hikari.

Hikari looked away from her knives, which she just finished sharpening, smiled at the chef and stood up with her case in hand. 

"Nice to meet you." Hikari greeted warmly, holding out a hand for the instructor to shake, "I was switched out of my group at the last minute. I'm Hikari Yukihira, and you must be Chef Dupont, right?"

The man, Chef Dupont, stared at the girl in even more surprise than before. The chef, Yukio Iwakaze, was given the nickname the Iron Chef when he was just a second year at the academy. He was known as the be completely cold hearted, a heart and mind like a steel iron vault that no one could bust open. He was very specific about his dishes, picky, judgmental. All in all, a very tough chef to please. If you made one single mistake in any part of the dish prep, you were out in an instant. But don't misunderstand. Though this chef is cold hearted, he's talented in making desserts that would melt the hearts and souls of his customers. After all, a misleading name would throw you a curveball when you're mouth is filled with a delicious sweet melting in your mouth.

Most students would tremble from the icy cold stare Chef Dupontgave them, but this girl was smiling and hold out a hand for him to shake. 

"Hikari Yukihira...' he thought, 'what an interesting student this year.'

He slowly raised his hand and took hers in a friendly shake, "Nice to meet you as well, Ms. Yukihira. But might I ask what you are doing here so early? The other students aren't supposed to be here until seven this morning, and it's half past six."

Hikari smiled again, "Early is on time and on time is late, Chef Dupont. And a chef should never be late. What would that say to the customers who have been waiting for their meals?"

She made a very good point.

"Very well then, you may go in, the others should be arriving shortly."

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