The Training Camp of Hell

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Everyone at the Kyokusei dorm sat in the dining room, a happy blue pamphlet sitting on the table.

"Huh? A training camp?" Soma and Hikari questioned.

"So, it's that time, is it?" Yuki said as the twins looked through the pamphlet.

"So what is it?" Hikari asked.

"We had those in elementary and middle school." Ryoko explained, "It's where you camp outside for a few days."

"Oh, okay. So this is one of those wilderness adventure schools or whatever." 

Just then, Megumi's face turned pale and her entire body started shaking uncontrollably.

"Megumi, are you okay?" Hikari asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"She knows." Zenji said ominously, "This trip is like a trip to hell, and we all have to face it to survive."

"All of the freshmen students get sent to the mountains and are subjected to a whole bunch of brutal tests." Yuki further explained, "If you don't manage to pass everything, you'll be told to leave the academy. They say it's for the spirit of friendship, but the truth of it is.... THIS TRAINING IS FOR THE SPIRIT OF PAIN AND TORTURE!!"

"It's not that bad. Just a little competitive education." Isshiki said casually, "In the words of the principal 'This is the process that reveals the best of the best among us'."

Hikari laughed and smiled, stars in her eyes from just the sound of competition, "Sounds like a lot of fun!" She shouted, making everyone but her brother look at her like she was crazy, "Hey, Isshiki, since you're a second year, you went to the camp last year, right? What was it like? Was is super tough and fun?"

Isshiki smiled, amused by the Yukihira girl's spunk and fun spirit.

"It was very grueling, and the only way I survived was being very careful in every single decision I've made." Isshiki answered, "Even back then, dozens of students were forced to leave the premises, and a few others were even expelled."

"What? Expelled?" Shoji repeated in shock.

"At the camp a few years ago, they apparently got rid of more than half the students." Shun added.

Suddenly, Megumi collapsed, whispering her final words as she passed on from this world. Yuki was by her side the entire time, crying for the loss of their beloved friend.

Meanwhile Soma was looking over the time table and complaining about the bath times.

"Hey, Soma!" Yuki shouted, "How could you be worried about you bath schedule at a time like this? Did you just not hear Megumi say her last dying words?"

Hikari smiled and walked over to Yuki, gently patting her head to calm her down, "There's nothing to worry about, Yuki." She said, "Half the students get kicked out of the camp right?"

"So, we'll just have to make sure that we're in the percentage that doesn't get kicked out." Soma finished for his sister.

Everything went silent for a moment, until Isshiki chuckled.

"I have faith in all of you." He said, "I'm sure that everyone at Kyokusei will make it back with grand smiles."

Even after all of the depressive comments about the training camp, the students quickly perked up, all of them exclaiming their excitement and determination to get through the training camp from hell.

From the pamphlet, the training camp would begin in the next three days, and there was no time to waste in getting ready.

That night, Hikari went to her room and prepared everything she need. As she was getting ready, she heard a knock at her door.

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