The Polar star

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The sun was setting at the end of the day at Totsuki Academy, and two brand new students were hiking up one of the many paths towards their new dormitory. The Yukihira twins hiked up the path trying to find their rightful dormitory, but were having some issues.

"Kyokusei dormitory." Soma rad off the paper, "Where the heck is this place? The sun's going down."

"Maybe if you would let me look at the map, we wouldn't be lost now would we?" Hikari said in spite.

"No way, sis, your eyes haven't adjusted to the lighting yet. You could get us even more lost." Soma shot back, knowing that his sister's eyes were slow to adjusting to sunlight near dusk. However, what the twins didn't notice was that a piece of vital information had just flown out of Soma's hand.

They looked around at the many other dormitories and buildings around and saw that they were all high class and very fancy.

"Wow, and thought the rich kid's attitudes were stuck up. Just look at all the dorms around here." Hikari grumbled.

"Yeah, I wonder what they could all be for?" Soma wondered aloud, agreeing with his little sister, "Maybe our dorm will be a fancy schmancy, too."

"I actually hope not. I don't want to stay with a bunch of pompous rich kids." Hikari grumbled.

The twins kept walking and walking until they finally reached their dorm, and it was just what Hikari wanted.

It was a large mansion, but it looked a little worn down. Ivy and vines were growing on the sides of the building, the fence and gates were rusty and old, and even crows were screeching about in the air. Hikari saw this as a blessing, while Soma thought it was the worst.

"Guess I was wrong." Soma muttered.

"This place looks awesome!" Hikari exclaimed, "It looks just like the mansion in my favorite horror film!"

"I thought you would've grown out of that phase."

"You never grow out of a horror movie phase. You're just too squeamish to watch them with me on Friday the 13th. Now c'mon, let's go inside."

Hikari grabbed her brother's hand and raced to the large front doors to enter. They opened the doors and walked inside the large mansion, standing near the entrance and looking around. All of a sudden, a door exploded open with a massive amount of smoke pouring out of it, followed by a loud crash that shook the entire mansion.

"An earthquake?" Soma wondered.

Hikari took a deep breath in and smelled smoke beef.

"No, I think someone's smoking beef upstairs." Hikari sniffed again, "And I'm also smelling rabbits, ducks and deer."

Just then, running from the other side of the entrance was a red haired girl chasing a crowd of wild animals.

"Usako! Kamosuke! Shikanoshin! Stop! Stop running, please!" She shouted chasing after the animals.

"Hey! Room no. 116!" A voice shouted from above the twins, "You cannot bring wild game into the dorms! If you do that again I will skin you alive I swear! Oh, and room no. 208, you turned an empty room into a smoker room again, didn't you? Oh, how about I hang you outside and smoke you! How would you like that?! And you, room no. 205, if you've trashed your room again I'll gut you and feed you to the hogs!"

"I think I'm gonna like this place." Hikari said to herself. Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind them.

"You two are the new transfer students Soma Yukihira and Hikari Yukihira, right?" The same voice that was chastising the other people inside the form spoke. The twins turned around and saw an old woman wearing a headband and an apron.

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