Let the Selection Begin!!

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The Fall Selection was coming closer, and all of those who were selected were rushing to create something that would blow the judges out of the water. The theme for this year being....

CURRY! A flavorful dish with spices and bountiful flavor that just explodes on the tongue. A difficult dish to work with, but not an impossible one.

The twins and Megumi stood in front of a sign in the kitchen, telling all chefs of what the theme would be. But Megumi seemed to be more nervous than usual, and that's saying something.

"Hey, what's wrong, Megumi?" Soma asked.

"Seeing and tasting Akira's curry... it kinda knocked the wind out of my sails." Megumi answered.

Hikari had heard about what they did and tasted with Akira, the boy she met the other day. From they way they talked about him, she was definitely intrigued by what they had described, and excited to taste some of his cooking at the Fall Selection.

"It's a little more than a month until the Selection." Megumi said breaking Hikari from her thoughts, "It's gonna be hard to create a dish that rivals Akira's in such a short amount of time. It's nearly impossible! I don't know what I'm gonna do."

Hikari smiled and pat Megumi on the head, "Chill out for a minute, Megumi. All this stress is going to make you worry even more." She looked up at her brother, "What's up with you, Soma?"

"At our restaurant, Hikari." He said, "Back when we were watching our dad work up close, I hate to admit to myself, but there was so much I still needed to improve."

Hikari laughed, "Oh right, you weren't as good back then. Dad trusted you to come up with a new menu item on more than one occasion. It was hilarious to see a 6th grader come up with a new dish!"

"The sixth grade?!" Megumi shouted, "I wouldn't be able to handle that kind of pressure."

"Maybe." Soma said seriously, "But if you only worry about what you need improve on, you'll never get anywhere. Like right now, I've got nothing to lose here, and I've got everything to gain. Ain't that right, sis?" 

Hikari nodded, "Right, the worst thing you could do is give up before the battle even begins."

Just then, Hikari's phone started to ring.

"Oh, sorry guys. I gotta take this. Be right back." Hikari excused herself to her room to take the call.

Immediately after answering the call, she heard beautiful music in the background of the call.

"Hailo priy!" A voice said happily on the other line, making the Yukihira girl laugh.

"It's good to hear from you again, Chef Chhaya. I'm glad you returned my call."

"Of course! I've heard from Diwa that you were an amazing chef and I wanted to see for myself the beauty of your cooking!"

"Well, I'm glad to hear that I was mentioned at such a high status. Now about my offer?"

"Yes, I've already booked your flight and you'll be staying with me and my husband for the entire month. I do hope you find our home well suited, we do have five children after all."

Hikari chuckled, "It sounds to me like staying with you will be a lot of fun. Don't worry, this trip will be great for the two of us."

"Great! You will leave tomorrow at noon in your time zone, that way you will get here half past noon in our time. I have to go, but I cannot wait to start cooking with you! See you tomorrow! Alavida!"

Hikari said her goodbyes and a hung up the phone, excited to go to India for the first time. It would be a great experience to go to another country again, since she hasn't been outside of Japan since she was about ten years old.

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