Ryo vs. Central Elite Part 2

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Rentaro Kusunoki and Ryo Kurokiba stood at their stations, ready to cook as if their lives depended on it. And for a split second, Ryo glanced up at Hikari, wondering why she of all people was sitting up there and not even trying to fight anyone. From what he had noticed during the Fall Selection and the training camp from hell, she was feisty, determined and a damn good chef in his eyes. Yet now, she was quiet, emotionless, losing that spark she had months ago.

Ryo didn't waste any time cutting the salmon he had prepared. He cut it with so much flare that if one wasn't trained right, would think that the fish was cut terribly. But, as per his usual, his dramatic flare when cutting the fish was only to please the eye. His salmon was cut to utter perfection without a single misstep or error.

"Amazing." Megumi said as she observed with Takumi and Soma on the side, "His salmon has been cut perfectly. He cut it so dramatically and yet it turned out so refined. How exciting! Ryo has developed so much since he battled me at the Selection."

Rentaro smirked, cutting his salmon in a similar fashion, the fish turning out just as refined as Ryo's. Hikari thought that this was interesting, how refined both of their salmon had come out. But she knew from the Central's private records that Rentaro wasn't one to copy. He had something else in mind to sweep the competition.

"So, what do you think about the skills of your superior?" Rentaro shouted, "Are you regretting your decision to challenge me? Aww, no one likes a killjoy."

Ryo didn't say a word and continued working on his dish, placing two different kinds of rice in their own pans while cooking them at the same time.

"What's this?" One of the judges wondered aloud, "He's cooking two different varieties of rice. And what's that over there?"

"It seems that chef Kurokiba has set aside bread dough." Hikari said, "I have to say, his way of cooking is something to take notice of. This may get more interesting by the minute."

"What do you think now, Central?" Ryo shouted, "You sit there so satisfied, but you're just a poor man's version of me! Come at me with all that you've got you pretentious elite bastard! What's your problem? You looking for an excuse to lose?"

Rentaro chuckled yet again and smirked, "Soma and Takumi talked a lot of smack as well. But you have a knack for infuriating people, don't you? But rest easy, for I have already decided to show you the full extent of my skill. And I'll even show you my cute little friends while I'm at it."

Just then, several boxes were wheeled up to the edge of the stage, making everyone wonder what exactly Rentaro was hiding inside them.

"Take a good look you pansy ass chef." He said, the boxes being unloaded and unpacked.

Rentaro was given several high class instruments, ones that were just the same as the instruments that Alice Nakiri had used during the Fall Selection. Hikari remembered that battle well, and she recalled that her brother spent a long time about what to make for that epic battle of the boxes. It quite the fond memory for her. Suddenly, she felt her head explode in pain.

"MAKE MY SENSES RATTLE!" She could hear Azami's voice ringing through her head like an annoying bell. She grabbed her head and instinctively reached into her pocket for her headache meds, when she realized that she was in such a rush to get out in order to judge that day, that her medication was still on her bedside table.

"Ms. Yukihira, are you all right?" One of the judges asked, "You look quite pale. Shall I call for a doctor?"

"No, I'm all right." Hikari quickly answered, "There's no need for a doctor, these headaches come with my heightened senses. The curse to my blessing, I suppose. I'll be able to get my medication later on after this Food War.

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