Hotspring Break

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After working in London for a week, Hikari had made quite the mark on the restaurant. People would be coming in for their reservations, and after hearing so many of the past customers praising a girl from Totsuki Academy, there were a lot of requests that Hikari make their food. And none of them were disappointed in her skills. Not only did she make incredible tasting food, but she made the customers feel at home with small talk.

Her skilled eyes were always taking in the smallest details of their food and their appearance. She would take in a small piece of the customer's appearance and then make a small conversation about it. Once, she noticed a small family in the restaurant. The son was young, maybe about six or seven, and he was wearing a special lotus flower shaped broach. Hikari only complimented on the broach once and that was all she needed to make the family talk to her, no matter how turse the father and the mother looked. When Hikari was done talking to them, they were all smiles and boy was laughing as he waved goodbye and was wishing to see her again one day.

Hikari was elated to hear that she had passed the stage in the Stagiaire, and the entire kitchen crew went out to celebrate. She was only there for a week, but the people at the kitchen respected her for not only her cooking skills, but for her skills in helping to run the kitchen. They took her out for a wonderful dinner and then they spoiled her just a little.

They got her a white pocket watch with her name engraved in gold, all attached to a silver chain. But there was also a place for a picture to placed inside the top. No matter how many times she declined, all of the chefs wanted her to take it as a momento of her time there, to count down the minutes it would take for her to become the greatest chef she could ever be.

With no choice, she took the watch and promised to place a picture of her family in it as soon as she could. 

But, the Stagiaire was over, and it was time for Hikari to rejoin her friends back at Totsuki Academy. The next day, she boarded the next flight to Japan, said her goodbyes and headed back home to Japan, where her brother and friends would be waiting. After hours of being on a plane, she landed in sunny Japan and was driven back by Totsuki academy staff back to the campus. 

She wandered about the campus as soon as she got back, enjoying the sweet smell of the moist air. 

"Must've rained here a little bit ago, maybe a couple of days." Hikari mumbled to herself as she walked into the mountains. But just then, she spotted a very familiar shade of red. The same color she had in her hair.

"Soma!" She shouted, knowing that it was her big twin brother. Soma, hearing his little sister, turned around with a big smile on his face as Hikari ran to give him a hog.

"Whoa! Slow down there, sis." He said, almost toppling over when she crashed into him.

"Sorry, I'm just happy to see you! It's been a couple of weeks and I was excited to hear about your Stagiaire." Hikari said happily as the two began walking to the Kyokusei dorms. On the way there, Soma told Hikari everything about his training for the Stagiaire while Hikari did the same.

Soma on the other hand, was surprised to hear that she was working Akira in the States, and that she was having so much fun in London. He knew his sister was an amazing chef, but to actually take hold of a professional kitchen like that in a very fancy and exclusive restaurant, that was on a whole other level than what he had expected.

Time passed quickly as they made it back to the dorms.

"We're home!" The two called out, seeing he dorm mother standing in the entry hall.

"Soma. Hikari. So you two are the first ones back?" Ms. Fumio said.

"I've missed you, Ms. Fumio." Soma greeted.

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