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I know you're probably thinking "Finally he's posted!" sorry about that...a couple of tough school days were at play...

Well here's the chapter you've waited for: M-Shifting

I'm going to write down everything that I think is relevant and also will add a few links for you guys to look at. This step is really important as it helps you get into the mindset of your mer.

First, do some warm-up meditation exercises to calm you down and help you focus a bit more. Some of these exercises should include breathing focus, muscle relaxation and mind clearing (trust me, these help a LOT). These exercises help you relax, clear then focus your mind. Here's a few exercises copied from https://mermaidscorner.weebly.com/shifting--the-process-of-evolution.html (it's in purple because it's directly from the website and that way you'll know what is mine and what isn't...I hope this helps).

Exercise One-

When I first started out in meditation, I found this method very helpful to keeping my mind on task and visualizing. Basically, you just go through the alphabet in your head. However, instead of just saying each letter in your mind, you have close your eyes and write out each letter in your mind. See the letter, say it out loud, almost feel your hand writing the letter. Feel each letter, and then let it go completely. You should spend about five seconds on each letter. Remember to not let your mind wander, and to not slip out of the moment (which is easy to do if you're tired!). Try and see each letter in a place between your eyes and your mind, if that makes sense.

Exercise Two-

This next one is all about clearing your mind... and sitting up straight does help with this. Sit somewhere comfortable, close your eyes, and completely clear your mind. I know, this might sound very hard, but with practice it comes easier. Just think of absolutely... nothing. Don't think at all. It helps to begin with imagining yourself putting all of your thoughts and feeling and urges to move into a box and sliding it under a bed somewhere. Once you begin meditating, if you encounter a thought then the best way to get of it is to actually let it come into your mind... and then let it drift out, like the water and a piece of driftwood. Acknowledge the thought, but let it leave your mind with peace. Simply trying to shove everything out of your mind won't work at all, things will just keep popping in. Finally, remember to focus on the nothingness, don't focus on focusing on nothingness, and not on keeping things out of your mind. Let the clarity of nothingness just wash over your mind. Don't worry, I know its hard, but no one expects you to be perfect.

Now, after you've practiced these warm ups, and you feel physically ready to begin, you may. This should take a while to master all this meditation, but this is key to shifting.

Please bear in mind, everyone's experience is completely unique and while you may experience some similarities such as side effects, don't base your journey off someone else's because it won't be the same.

Signing off for now,


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