Mental Flares/M-Flares

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Hey guppies I think I forgot to add this info so here it is for those who want/need it!

A mental flare or an m-flare, is when your mer side takes over your mind, be it on purpose or accidental. Once your mental shift is strong enough, you should try and m-flare at least once. It helps you understand your/your mer's mindset for when you p-shift and go swimming.

You should also be aware of what might trigger an accidental m-flare. Some examples would be:

~ If you're close to/ submerged in a large body of water i.e. a pool/ocean/lake. Your m-flare may occur and almost feel as if your mer is screaming at you and trying to break free.

~ (for the people with periods) you're close to a large body of water but can't swim. This could cause a depression episode with your m-flare

Please be aware that m-flares can make you feel depressed so while you may not be able to tell others the reason WHY, do tell them how you're feeling. A good support network helps, even if they don't know or understand.

Alright hatchlings, that's all for now!

Keep swimming!

Signing off for now,


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