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u texting first, thats a first

we texted like 2 times 

anyway what's up 

so I was skating today

wait you skate?

yeah i do. don't interrupt me 


so I was Inlineskating like a normal human being does



why don't u skateboard or sumn 

cause i never learned how to and I absolutely love Inlineskating


how can't you??

I tried once and fell down 

practice makes perfect

sure Mr. perfect

We can discuss my perfection later
So I was skating, really fast bc yes✨ and I was on the street and the sidewalk because there are no routes here. 

Can relate 100% 
I know that I live in a big city but still 

omg yess
anyway, so I was fast and when I'm fast I don't pay attention to where exactly I am skating, more that I don't bump into someone or something and then there was this constructing site


and I almost fell into that huge hole 

aren't there some barriers or sumn?

there were
but some stupid people put them aside so they were there but you could easily skate through and I didn't see them.

are u okay?

yeah I'm fine just almost died lmao 

you don't joke about that

ik, anyway I'll get going now, ttyl?

sure, take care

are you my mom?


just forget that


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