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what is your opinion about wearing socks while sleeping?

I don't mind it

you don't?

actually, I wear socks while sleeping

isn't that idk, weird

not at all. I just can't sleep without them anymore

definitely didn't expect that

but I can't not wear socks anymore



but like how?

I don't know.
Honestly, it's just weird if my feet touch something other than my socks. It's disgusting

I won't ever understand but you do you

thank you
but were does this sudden question come from?

A friend of mine said that only weird people wear socks while sleeping and then another friend of mine said it's weird if you don't and I guess I just wanted to know your opinion about this

okay haha
you have your answer. It's not weird if you do but neither when you don't

kay, I'll tell them

do that and tell me how it went

of course

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