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what's up, Nerd

didn't I tell you to stop?

Didn't I tell you that I wouldn't 

Just stop or should I start giving you weird nick-names as well?

nope, one friend doing this is enough

so we're friends?

you literally said that we're dating 



anyway, what did you want?

can't I just text you without a good reason?

You only text me to rant or tell me about the stupid things you do 

You're not wrong.. 

I know
So what's up?

I actually wanted to talk to you because I missed talking to you?!

aww, you missed me

don't act like me 

yeah, I should probably stop with that
anyway, I missed talking to you too but I wanted to finish the book I was reading

It all adds up?

I'm not sure if I should deny or confirm this statement

just tell the truth 


'kay, bye

what?Is it because I was reading the book?You know that this is bullyingmeanoh shit, I really am acting like you

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