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Omg, Suga-chan
Sorry for not responding
my phone broke and I just got it back
I didn't have any chance to inform you because I just have your number and I don't know it by heart yet

hello kawa
I'm glad you finally responded
You really made me worry

I'm sorry

Hey, it's fine. It wasn't your fault after all
Just tell me what happened

It just went black
One moment I was standing in the bathroom, shuffling my playlist when in the other, my screen was black

but how did that happen?

I have no idea
Before that, my screen often broke so maybe that's why

possible but just wear a protective case or sumn

I did but somehow it never got damaged but my phone beneath it 

w o w

don't wow me
anyway, 38 messages? You must really care about me

of course I do
we have texted for one month straight


and that's why I'm not leaving
you're always fun to be around 

aren't I annoying?


even a dot? Am I really that perfect of a person


you hurt me here


I feel like you texting kk always ends the conversation
and it does
finally got my phone back and now nobody texts me
I'll just read your messages from previously 

awww, you really did care about me :))))

Wrong number, OiSuga (chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now