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are you there?

You would normally reply immediately
and normally, you would come to me to rant about something every day


did I do something wrong?

I really wanted to tell you about something
guess I'll just tell you tomorrow 

I'll sleep now
good night 

you still haven't replied
anyway, good morning
I hope you slept well

Are you still not there?

guess not

at least I can see your profile picture meaning you haven't blocked me :)

are you alright?
are you maybe at the hospital?
If yes, I hope you recover soon

anyway, I'll sleep now
good night :)
don't forget to drink something
and when I say something I mean water

day three of me getting you to text back
I hope you really are okay
my best friend, yes the ex best friend, is worrying bout me lol
all I talk about is you and if you're going to answer
he really is pissed
sadly can't gush about his little boyfriend
but honestly, I don't care about him that much anymore. I guess I'm moving on
How about you?

if you read this, please drink some water and eat something
and if you're on it go outside and do something you enjoy
you could go Inlineskating

good night, kawa
I hope you reply soon

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