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After we finished eating, we continued talking. It really was fun and we had a lot to talk about. It turned out that he was Inlineskating as well and that he and his best friend often did that together. He admitted that he wasn't all that good at it. He offered that we could all skate together one day and that was when the conversation went to Kawa. 

"Yeah, that would be great. I was skating with a close friend of mine before you came here", I said towards Iwaizumi. He smiled, "That's so cool. Maybe he could join too. Toru would like that. He doesn't have a lot of friends who skate and most of them, like me, aren't as fast as him so h mostly skates on his own". "I understand that, Daichi never skates with me in the last days so I was skating on my own until I met him", I replied. There must have been something about the way I talked about him because Daichi automatically began teasing me, "Does my dear best friend have a crush on said boy". "I actually do. And since he is single and got over his crush, I actually have a chance", I answered, smirking. I knew that Oikawa somehow liked me. I didn't know how but something about the way he talked to me, made me realize it. 

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