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hey, kawa. I wanted to ask you if you could come to meet Daichi, his boyfriend and the best friend of this boyfriend today at the park. They all skate and this best friend should be really good. I hope you'll have time and I'm looking forward to meeting you soon :)

I actually had something planned but it isn't that important. You are more important, I'll come

You don't have to cancel your plans for me

I already did so don't worry about it

if you say so

yes I say so

until then

yes, I'm looking forward to it

same goes for me

I put my phone away, sighing. I would finally meet Kawa again. It has been about a week since we met and we've been texting 24/7 since then. We often called as well. He managed to fix his sleep schedule due to me reminding him to sleep which made me kind of proud. I really hope that he felt the same way, I felt for him.

I quickly texted Daichi, telling him that he'll come and got a reply saying that Iwaizumi's friend doesn't have time after all. I didn't care though. The most important thing was that I finally got to see Kawa again.

I arrived rather quickly, running towards Oikawa who was already waiting for me. I engulfed him in a tight hug, refusing to let him go.

After a while, we were still hugging, Daichi and Iwaizumi approached us. As Iwaizumi saw us, he gasped dramatically which led to us letting go. Oikawa turned around and when he spotted Iwaizzumi, he gasped as well.

Then, everything clicked. How could have I been so dumb? This city wasn't that big so it was pretty unlikely that everything that happened wasn't connected. Oikawa was Iwaizumis's best friend which meant that he was the good skater Iwaizumi talked about. That would mean that Oikawa cancelled his plans with Iwaizumi to meet me. This realization made my heart flutter. Didn't Iwaizumi say something about his best friend liking another person now? This person was most likely me which would mean that Oikawa liked me.

I locked eyes with him and he did the same. He must've realized the whole situation as well because he was staring at me or more my lips. I knew that he was thinking just what I was thinking so I went closer to him and he did the same.

Before I knew it, we were so close that I could feel his breath on my face. We stopped in this distance, looking straight into the other eyes. His eyes were really pretty.

"Kawa", I said, still looking into his eyes. "Sugar", he responded, leaning even closer. This nickname made my heart flutter even more. I realized how much I loved him and I could see that he felt the same. His eyes were full of love when I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his.

The kiss didn't last long due to two annoyed boys clearing their throats next to us, smiling brightly. "I'm sorry to interrupt you two but we came here to skate and not to watch your PDA", Daichi said, chuckling.

At this point, I was happier than I ever was before. I was with my soon-to-be boyfriend, my best friend and his boyfriend, having fun, laughing and just enjoying my life. I had everything I needed. It could be like this forever.

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