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what happened??

the grit is gone

wait, really?

yes. they removed it this morning

hold on, I'm checking real quick
omg yes, it is gone 

told you 

thank you. I can finally skate again 


you should still learn how to Inlineskate

But I can't even stand still without falling 

I could help you

I don't even know where you live. You could live at the other end of the world



Because my friend, the one I tried to contact, lives in the same district as I do and his and your numbers only differ by one digit

you being smart? That is a first.

eyy, I can be smart too

 Who helped you?

How did you know?

I was just teasing you but I could've thought of that. You really are a dense dumbass sometimes

You're not wrong..
still, mean
if you mEaN me, I'm going to block you



Wrong number, OiSuga (chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now