800 41 3

omg istg I'm so dumb

I know



blocked and reported

nah, blocked, chats deleted, number deleted, number changed

lol is that what you go through when someone fucked up?

yep. In this order. Sometimes I don't block people but delete the chat and number. It depends on how bad someone fucked up

I like this system

same, it's way better than yours 



it is self-praise written in a font called stinky indicating that self-praise stinks. Gosh, I thought you were the smart one in our relationship

I am but we are in a relationship??

platonic relationship but not friendship bc I do not know if you want to be friends with me or not
btw you copied me

ah okay
I want to be friends with you..
and what about it? We texted for so long it just feels natural

It's been like two weeks or sumn

yeah it's pretty long and now you copied me 

I totally did not do that intentional 


Wrong number, OiSuga (chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now